If you’re going to commit your efforts to anything, it could be a good idea to focus on something that already works. To people who already love you, to promising things, and to places that make you feel more alive. You may have to stop trying to fit in places where you no longer belong. You may have to abandon your efforts to become someone who is more widely accepted by the public but more foreign to your own heart. Life communicates with us in the most subtle and minute ways. In the little clicks, delightful coincidences, and unexpected unfoldings of the most routine things. These signals are striving to direct us down the many pathways that have been structured for us. Perhaps you should learn to believe what passes you by before you can trust what settles seamlessly in front of you. Perhaps you should trust what isn’t working because it will ultimately try to point you in the direction of what will. On the other side, your life awaits you. Presumably, my most recent posts have all been on hope and perseverance. God bless you. It is an honor to have your time and attention on the themes. : )