temporal transcendence

In the vast expanse of the universe, a profound truth lies waiting to be unveiled – the concept of time, once thought to be a linear and immutable constant, is far more complex and elusive than we ever imagined. As our understanding of the cosmos deepens, we are forced to confront the limitations of our perception and embrace a reality that transcends our conventional notions of temporal progression.

At the heart of this revelation lies the theory of relativity, a revolutionary idea proposed by Albert Einstein over a century ago. This groundbreaking concept challenged the very fabric of our understanding of time, suggesting that it is not an absolute, but rather a relative phenomenon inextricably linked to the observer’s frame of reference and the nature of their motion.

Imagine two individuals witnessing the same event – one stationary, the other hurtling through space at near-light speeds. To the stationary observer, the event unfolds in a familiar linear sequence, with each moment leading seamlessly into the next. However, for the observer in motion, time itself appears to slow down, distorting the temporal progression of the event in a manner that defies our everyday experience.

This phenomena, known as time dilation, is just one manifestation of the profound mysteries that lie at the intersection of space, time, and the fundamental forces governing our universe. As we delve deeper into the realms of quantum mechanics and astrophysics, we encounter phenomena that challenge our most basic assumptions about the nature of reality itself.

Subatomic particles, the building blocks of matter, exist in a state of superposition, simultaneously occupying multiple states and defying the linear progression of time as we know it. Meanwhile, the fabric of space-time itself can be warped and distorted by the presence of massive celestial bodies, creating regions where the flow of time is stretched and contorted in ways that defy our conventional understanding.

These revelations force us to confront the limitations of our human perspective and to acknowledge that the true nature of time may be far more complex and nuanced than we can fully comprehend. The notion of a universal, absolute time becomes an illusion, a construct of our limited senses and perceptions.

As we stand at the precipice of these profound discoveries, we are reminded that the boundaries of our understanding are but a fleeting border, a temporary constraint imposed by the finite nature of our minds. The universe beckons us to transcend these boundaries, to embrace the mysteries that lie beyond our current comprehension, and to embark on a journey of exploration that promises to unveil the true depths of existence. In this quest, we must let go of our preconceptions and approach the concept of time with a sense of awe and humility, for it is in the embrace of these mysteries that we may find the keys to unlocking the secrets of the cosmos and our place within it.


Dexterity | The Border of a Mind Studios

When I first held Ehan in my arms, his tiny hands were just little nubs that could barely wrap around my finger. But now, watching him as he confidently reaches out to grab toys and jars, it is evident that his hands have become an extension of his curious mind. He uses them to touch, feel, and learn about the world around him. It is truly a joy to witness this growth firsthand as he gradually progresses through different milestones.

I thought of this video project couple of months back to capture Ehan’s interactions with various objects, I am reminded of the importance of cherishing these small moments. The journey of childhood is a fast one, and before we know it, our little ones will have grown into confident and independent individuals. But for now, I’m savoring these heartwarming moments of wonder and amazement with lot of gratefulness and love, as I watch him transform from tiny nubs to symbolize their boundless potential and journey through life. We don’t have as much time as we think we have.

Ehan’s hand, once so small and full of wonder, grows so fast into a symbol of their journey through life, reminding us to cherish every moment of growth and never let go of our innate sense of wonder.

cadence of memories

From a travel through Gadauri snow lands in Georgia.

The concept of “past” is derived from information stored in our memories.
Because of the recommendations we get, we believe we live in three distinct periods of time known as the past, present, and future. The only reason we have a sense of “history” is because numerous things have been implanted in our minds. For example, the time we registered in primary school is a piece of information in our memory, and we view it as a past event. However, subsequent occurrences are not remembered.As a result, we consider the uncertainties to be things that will be experienced or occur in the future. But, just as the past has been experienced through our eyes, so has the future. However, we cannot know these experiences since they have not been recorded in our memory. We are bound to time, but Almighty is beyond the realm of time.

I remember that I previously wrote about this in perceiving time in Ponder Series before.

..All the experiences, events happening truly runs as “stories” in our minds and we only have impressions of them as they pass us. When you read an article on my website, for example, that’s a story weaved in your mind when you think about it later. We “perceive” time by usually comparing a “story” or a “moment” with a previously known moment or event if we think about it. When you’re reading this blog on your phone or on your computer screen, just clap your hands once and you’ll hear a sound. If you clap once again, you’ll hear another sound. Now, we call this interval between these two claps “time” by thinking that there’s an interval between them. When you clap the hands for the second time, the first clap sound you heard is only nothing more than a memory that’s formed in your mind, sort of like an imagination. You see, this comparison of moments and events and correlating with each other is what we perceive as time in our lives.

Perceiving Time“, Article on The Border of a Mind.

the hourglass

illustration of a sand hourglass.

“The sand in the hourglass runs from one compartment to the other, marking the passage of moments with something constant and tangible. If you watch the flowing sand, you might see time itself riding the granules. Contrary to popular opinion, time is not an old white-haired man, but a laughing child. And time sings.”

― Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

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slipping to the dusk

It’s one of my favorite divertissements to scroll through old Google Photos archives,  spice up old photos and just wonder about the times back in those days.  When I first started working in the Middle East nearly 10 years back from today, during some of my initial years, my work extensively involved being associated with designing and developing new engineering products in a factory (For example, Bridge Bearings, products used in offshore structures, etc ) and I used to spend a lot of time in a factory environment with some colleagues at that time for some prototyping and other work. I have vivid memories of returning back from work in the afternoon at that time gazing at the sun playing its magic of colors at the factory horizon. These are some of those photographs from circa 2010-2011. Believe me, old photographs are time machines for me. I can spend an entire day reminiscing in these old memories. Do you have such photographic memories from the past decade that you recollect? Share your thoughts. I would love to read them.

“There is a certain quality of light to be found only in midsummer in the South, as day, slipping into dusk, acquiesces to the filament, the bulb, the porch light; this seductive light is beautiful when it washes across dry cement, the sidewalk and stoop. The light spilling from the phone booth softens and cleanses all that it touches. It’s a forgiving and almost protective light. The Minotaur is drawn to it from across the parking lot.”

― Steven Sherrill, The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break

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