We’re taught that the path to happiness is paved with achievements, acquisitions and checking boxes until we’ve “made it.” Yet could this dogged pursuit of some future arrival be obstructing our ability to feel fully alive in the here and now ? After all, every destination inevitably dissolves into a new departure point once reached. The goalpost perpetually moves, leaving us striving yet again for something else to make us whole. What if we stopped postponing our gratification and entrusting it to some illusive “there”? What if we reconnected with the beauty and magic of the ordinary, unadorned moments that make up the waking dream of our daily existence? In doing so, we realize the greatest prosperities have been here all along – the simple grace of breath, the affectionate gaze of a loved one, the simple brilliance of a sunrise. When we attune to these perennial marvels, life’s richness multiplicities in ways no pursuit of becoming could ever match.
Tag: State of Mind
patience, an antiquated relic
In our times of instant gratification and on-demand everything, the virtue of patience can feel like an antiquated relic. We expect fast shipping, immediate responses, quick career advancement and expedient solutions to all our problems. Any delay or hindrance is often met with restlessness, frustration and agitation.
Yet patience may be one of the most vital spiritual nutrients we are collectively starved of. For like the gradual unfolding of a rose blossom or a tree growing from a seed over decades, so many of life’s most magnificent blossomings require us to surrender to a coddle of unhurried unfoldings. When we demand that everything happen according to our predetermined timelines and expectations, we cut ourselves off from the resplendent mysteries that can only unveil themselves through the magic of waiting. The germinating seeds of our souls’ deepest growths, our creative genius works, and our most profound realizations about life all gestate according to a natural timing far beyond our singular will’s insistencies.
Like master artists, we must learn to steward the unhurried refinement inherent in each process. Raw effort and willfull striving alone cannot force open the sublime choreographies. This is the great alchemical art – to act while simultaneously remaining attuned to the inexorable pacing of a larger unfolding intelligence.Rather than slipping into resignation or inertia however, patience is an active, highly cultivated state of radical openness and present herenow awareness. It is the ability to fully embody and drink in each eternal moment without grasping to prematurely arrive at some future point of fixation. A serenely sustained beingness where our full participation is allowed to blend and merge with the ineffable unravelings always underway.
From this spacious ground, we gain an organic instinct for when to apply gentle effort and care, and when to simply pause, let go and let be. We begin flowing in symbiotic rhythmic attunement with life’s tidal pulsations rather than working against their oceanic currents. This is the patience cultivated by mountain sages and ancient groves of trees – where one becomes deeply at home harboring the poetry of a universe ceaselessly rebirthing itself through us, never growing restless or cynical about the gradual pace. For they know that the greatest masterworks, be they forms of inspiring humanity or awe-inspiring nature, all gestate through an unrhetorical release, slowly unfurling with inevitable grace when the season is finally ripe. With this mindset, we’ll be at peace with many of the uncertainties we face. Often calibrating such an inner compass has been of help. I hope it helps you as well. Always think about the broad picture, friends.
intentional essentialism
In the relentless pursuit of success and fulfillment, we often find ourselves trapped in a whirlwind of endless tasks, commitments, and distractions. Caught up in the frenzy, we lose sight of what truly matters, spreading ourselves thin across a myriad of obligations that drain our energy and dilute our focus. However, the path to a life of purpose and impact lies in the art of discerning the essential and embracing the power of simplicity.
Just think about your daily routine – the constant buzzing of notifications, the ever-growing to-do lists, the endless stream of emails and meetings. It’s easy to get swept up in a cycle of reactivity, mindlessly checking off tasks without pausing to consider their true value or alignment with your deeper goals. Before you know it, you’re caught in a perpetual state of busyness, chasing after countless priorities that ultimately leave you feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from your authentic self.
The process begins with self-reflection, a deep exploration of what truly matters to you. What are the principles that guide your life? What are the dreams and aspirations that fuel your pursuit? What are the relationships and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment? By answering these questions, you establish a foundation upon which to build your life, enabling you to discern the essential from the superfluous.
Once you have clarity on your core values and aspirations, the next step is to apply this lens to every aspect of your life. Whether it’s your professional commitments, personal relationships, or financial decisions, ask yourself: Does this align with my values and contribute to my goals? Will this have a lasting impact on what truly matters? Is this a need or merely a want?
For instance, when faced with a daunting to-do list, resist the temptation to tackle everything at once. Instead, pause and evaluate each task through the lens of your priorities. Which tasks will have the most significant impact on your goals? Which ones can be delegated or postponed without compromising your core objectives? By identifying and focusing on the essential, you not only increase your productivity but also ensure that your efforts are channeled towards what truly matters.
Similarly, when it comes to your finances, the need versus want distinction becomes paramount. Instead of mindlessly indulging in every whim, ask yourself: Is this purchase aligned with my values and long-term goals, or is it merely a temporary desire? By filtering your spending through this lens, you can cultivate financial discipline and direct your resources towards what truly enriches your life.
The beauty of simplicity lies in its transformative power. As you eliminate the nonessential clutter from your life, you create space for what truly matters. Imagine a decluttered home, where every item holds meaning and purpose, a sanctuary that fosters tranquility and clarity. Envision a streamlined schedule, free from the noise of unnecessary commitments, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the pursuits that ignite your passion.
However, the journey towards simplicity is not a one-time event; it is an ongoing process of continual editing and refinement. As your circumstances evolve and your aspirations shift, you must periodically revisit your priorities, reevaluating what is essential and letting go of what no longer serves you.
Embrace the art of simplicity as a way of life, a constant pursuit of clarity and intentionality. Just as a sculptor meticulously chips away at the excess to reveal the masterpiece within, so too must you chisel away at the nonessential, unveiling the essence of a life lived with purpose and meaning.
Remember, simplicity is not about deprivation or asceticism; it is about curating a life that reflects your values and nurtures your soul. It is about creating space for what truly matters, freeing yourself from the shackles of the superfluous to embrace the beauty of the essential.
In a world that often equates busyness with success, the art of simplicity may seem counterintuitive. Yet, it is in the stillness of a focused existence that you will find the clarity and energy to pursue your passions with unwavering dedication, leaving an indelible mark on the world around you.
ethereal repose
As I journey through life, I am learning the value of patience. I am learning to let go of my rush to control every aspect of my existence, and to simply allow the beauty of life to unfold before me. I am learning to let things happen in their own time, to be patient as I receive all that I deserve, and to find happiness in the present moment.
I am also learning to appreciate each stage of my journey, to find joy within myself rather than seeking it external sources. This is not always easy, but it is a lesson that is worth learning.
For in this world, there is much to be gained from slowing down, from taking a breath and savoring each moment. We often rush through life, missing the beauty that surrounds us in our haste. But if we can learn to be patient, to let life be beautiful, we will find a joy and a peace that is truly profound.