

I often postulate that one of the core visions of the border of a mind project is rediscovery. Rediscovering yourself is not a one-time act—it’s a lifelong practice. Who you…

making it

As the years go by, I’ve come to realize that life isn’t about chasing the spotlight or proving yourself to others. I used to believe that success meant being noticed,…

stir within

You don’t have to start a vlog.You don’t need to pen down a bestseller.There’s no need to give talks or create an online brand.Launching a course or product isn’t a…


Anticipation is a powerful source of happiness. Often, it’s not the actual experience that brings us joy but the excitement that builds before it happens. Think about the thrill of…

happiness within

Happiness is often perceived as something out of reach, lying just beyond our current reality. Many of us invest so much time and energy into building a life—working hard, tending…


In the forgotten corners of cities, old playgrounds rust under the sun, their swings unmoved for years, creaking only when the wind breathes. A mural once bright with children’s faces…


This is more like a diary to myself. Today is the day my three-year-old had his first outdoor ride on his tiny bike, pedaling beside the shimmering waters. Childlike laughter…


The universe is in constant motion, filled with uncertainty and change. Yet, we often seek stability, hoping to find security in a world that is inherently fluid and ever-evolving. This…

intellectual lethargy

Despite our towering intellectual capabilities, we collectively suffer from a crippling existential disability – an unwillingness to rigorously exercise the muscle of our minds. Instead of flexing our unparalleled powers…


Have you ever caught yourself talking to a houseplant? Or maybe you’ve given your car a pep talk before a long journey. It’s funny how we tend to personify the…


In a world of artificial boundaries and constructs, we often seal ourselves into limiting identities – daughter/son, employee, citizen. Yet could our attachment to these conceptual molds be obstructing the…

the perpetual hustle

In our productivity-obsessed era, we treat busyness as a badge of honor. Yet could this cultural veneration of perpetual hustle be blinding us to the reasons we’re so frantically trying…

design language

Everywhere we look, there are self-evident signs that our existence is not a cosmic accident, but rather the product of a magnificent design. The complex coded instructions within every DNA…

mind of dynamic explorers

We often believe our thoughts and perspectives represent objective reality. Yet what if our inner narratives are more like shifting clouds reflecting back our personal histories, cultural programming, and neurological…

pursuit of becoming

We’re taught that the path to happiness is paved with achievements, acquisitions and checking boxes until we’ve “made it.” Yet could this dogged pursuit of some future arrival be obstructing…


It’s so easy to get attached to outcomes – a certain job, relationship, or vision for how your life should look. But holding on too tightly creates suffering when things…

peace in the boring

monotony of our daily routines: alarm, breakfast, chores, work, dinner, baths, bed, repeat. But do we ever appreciate the peace in this constancy? How fortunate we are if each day…

water and jars

an illustration in the diary in the cloud to remember today in the future. My son spent hours playing with jars and water, fully immersed in his own wonderland. We…

a child’s “why”

No matter how much we study sciences, philosophies, or histories, it’s the never-ending questions from a child’s mouth that humble us most. Their innocent, relentless inquiry lays bare how little…

joy and love

Joy and love are special states of being, gifted by God. They go deeper than just fleeting happiness or affection stirred up by surface conditions. Happiness is shaky – it…

unbottling art

There is something special about artists who don’t show much emotion on the outside, but then put huge amounts of deep feeling into their art. It’s like they bottle up…

existential mystery

What is the most profound, eternally consequential question that has puzzled the greatest minds and philosophers throughout human history? What existential mystery remains despite our exponential scientific progress? The biggest…

life, uncurated

We’re living in the era of the perfectly curated life. Of endlessly photoshopped, filtered, and embellished imagery relentlessly filling our social media feeds. Everyone seems to be trying to convince…


Far too many of us move through life allowing fear to dictate our choices and limit our horizons. We instinctively avoid anything that might induce vulnerability, risk or potential failure…

substantive bonds

In today’s digitally-saturated world overflowing with virtual connections and surface-level social media “friendships,” there’s a significant lack of truly meaningful community happening. Despite being more outwardly interconnected than ever, people…

the thriver’s mind

There’s an inherent tension that exists between craving security and stability, while also feeling called to evolve beyond the familiar into new territories of growth. Our human spirit has an…

kindness inwards

We’re often our own harshest critics, beating ourselves up over perceived flaws, failures and shortcomings with vicious self-talk. That negative internal voice lashes us with insults and put-downs we’d never…

deepened bonding

We all need people in our lives we can truly connect with on a deeper level. Having close relationships and bonds helps us feel grounded, understood and like we belong….

nurturing gardeners

In a society that constantly bombards us with idealized images of physical perfection and relentless productivity, it can be all too easy to become our own harshest critics. We scrutinize…

authentic connections

In a world that often celebrates facade over authenticity, being vulnerable opens us to ridicule and judgment. We instinctively armor ourselves, maintaining surface relationships devoid of true depth. Yet it…

healing together

Life will test every single one of us through challenges, disappointments, and wounds. Yet it is in those difficult moments that we find the strength to rebuild ourselves, emerging stronger…

artistic immersion

Creating extraordinary experiences hinges on an intimate understanding of what it means to be human- our desires, dreams, and idiosyncrasies. The hallmark of a masterpiece lies in its ability to…

unhurried abundance

The relentless pursuit of “more” thrums like a constant undercurrent in our modern world. From the curated perfection of social media feeds to the ever-present urge to upgrade our possessions,…

shedding burdens

We drift through life, numb to the expectations swirling around us. We chase the “supposed-to’s” and “should-haves” – the dream family, the material possessions, the picture-perfect life. We’re busy checking…

slow down, bloom

Imagine the whirring hum of constant noise: notifications dinging, deadlines looming, a relentless stream of information flooding your senses. This, unfortunately, is the soundtrack of many modern lives. We race…

healing wholeness

The past few months have brought many lessons about healing and self-reflection. As I’ve worked through difficult periods, I’ve come to understand that recovering from pain requires patience more than…

small comforts

In our bustling world, we often bypass the profound effect of small comforts. These understated joys, though seemingly minor, are vital to our mental and emotional health. Recognizing the need…


Have you ever tossed a pebble into a pond and watched the ripples fan out, reaching far beyond where the stone first touched the water? That’s a bit like the…


Thank you for coming back to read. Yes, I’m directly writing to you, yes, You! Let’s have a heart-to-heart for a moment, shall we? You know, life’s this wild, unpredictable…

personal everests

You know, bravery doesn’t always look like scaling Mount Everest or reshaping the globe. More often, it’s about facing those ordinary days – those unremarkable Tuesdays and those seemingly endless…

the trek within

The road to success is not a straightforward highway to a glittering destination, but rather a winding footpath through darkened woods, lit only by the inner sparks of courage. No…

storied scents

..”Most of our childhood is stored not in photos, but in certain biscuits, lights of day, smells, textures of carpet. -Alain de Botton Memory of my late velumma’s (Grandmother) homemade…

permanent address

My father had forwarded a beautiful message and it was thought provoking. This being my garden of thoughts, I feel this needs to be here. I’ve refined it with some…

being tender

In the rush of life, we immerse ourselves in, it seems that tenderness has become a rare and precious commodity. We often forget the value of being kind and gentle,…

mindful momentum

I am not a big admirer of a culture of haste and frenzy that prioritizes material wealth and status over the quality of our inner lives and deeper human connections….


Not sure if it happens for you. For me, I can make myself so busy and overwhelmed with tasks and details and sometimes can get burnouts and needs reboot and…

serene mirage

An oft echoing theme I’ve written a lot on this portal is about transience. I want it to be a big part of my thought process as it has several…


When I first held Ehan in my arms, his tiny hands were just little nubs that could barely wrap around my finger. But now, watching him as he confidently reaches…

slow bliss

As we hurtle through the ceaseless churn of life, it is all too easy to become ensnared in the unforgiving gears of progress. We are told that we must ascend…


As I watched my little son play with our cleaning robot, affectionately nicknamed by him as “Koko,” I was struck by the intense curiosity in his eyes. He was fascinated…

keep going

Sometimes it feels that nothing remarkable is occurring in your life, while the rest of the world appears to be on a perpetual vacation in beautiful, unusual, foreign places. So…

art | Maker

The beauty of a skillfully crafted product reflects the beauty of the craftsmanship. The beauty of the craftsmanship alludes to the beauty of the name, which was the root of…

be a bird

This is another scenario where I read or watch something related to a recent notion that has been on my mind. I was reading and pondering recently about giving someone…


Life is very brief than we think. Living our best life does not simply imply traveling and acquiring expensive goods. It also means living up to our potential, which means…

lamp of hope

Life is, to put it mildly, uncertain. It is a beautiful and one-of-a-kind gift to everyone of us. We don’t give ourselves enough credit for enduring adversity and conquering challenging…

hopeful fortitude

I often discuss with Netta on coping with uncertainity. We are meticulous planners by nature and often it requires robust emotional strength to cope up with the smallest uncertainity in…

cadence of memories

The concept of “past” is derived from information stored in our memories.Because of the recommendations we get, we believe we live in three distinct periods of time known as the…

Loose yourself

“Lose yourself in books, in art, in the haze of new horizons. Lose yourself in curiosity, in knowledge, in passion. Lose yourself in feeling it all… You are your own…

lofty spirits

From an early age, society shapes us to fit in. To blend in, avoid doing anything out of the norm. That, by definition, involves neglecting chances and opportunities to try…

pecuniary harmony

I occurred to recall something I read a few years ago about money. Kent Nerburn, if I recall correctly, was the author. I don’t recall the precise wording, but it was something about delineating the state of one’s financial health. People who measure their money against their wants will never be satisfied since another desire will always entice them. People who assess their money in relation to their…

delight within

I just completed an art piece based on the idea of a pleasant admonition to be contented with oneself. Allowing yourself the freedom to be who you really are and…


The pace of the world has slowed from within through a gradual change in perspective. I’ve mirrored the same. I’ve made more time to listen—to my heart, to the new…

gradualist gains

I’ve always experienced and perceived that organic and holistic growth is always incremental and gradual instead of a sporadic leap. Incremental, constant progress over a long time frame is the…

Up,up and away.

Wisdom is no more relegated to the places we desginate them from. You know, sometimes, wise words would overpour from unexpected placed, like a toddler’s scroll book. Moments to cherish…

place in the world

My mind these days typically revolve around the lil one and the experiences to be kindled. If he’s the earth, I’m the satellite of moon around him. Often as we…


23 Apr 2022 – Time flies. It’s been one year. The little one who used to lie down with a smile on the craddle is now crawling and moving around….


Right in the periphery of where I’m staying currently, there’re a lot of new buildings propping up every other month. Recollecting Peter Zumthor‘s words from his book Thinking Architecture, “Architecture…

knowing to wait.

“Everything comes in time to him who knows how to wait” told Leo Tolstoy once.This is a very profound statement on exercising patience and unravelling the beauty of persistence. This…


This is an art installation that I have recently worked on. I’m calling it gleam. ..“Don’t dissolve, but gleamwith the beauty of what’s in your heart.” ― Rafy Rohaan

Morning Sands

It’s been quite a while that I’ve worked on video projects. Here’s something from an early morning stroll to the desert to take a glimpse at a majestic sunrise. ..“I…


I always appreciate minds that inspire with their vision, words, actions and life. In a noisy world, I look forward to such minds that permeate a good adulation of positivity…


I’m an admirer of films by Thai director Thanonchai Sornsriwichai. All his ad films have a warmth to them and is a very unique style in advertising in my opinion….


Although not perfectly recollected in many situations, deep down I truly believe that gratitude and calmness are key to many peaceful delights in this world. Writing in awareness of all…

Amber Horizons

It’s one of the greatest privileges and reminiscences that I affirm with lot of gratitude is to have a balcony facing the West side without any major obstruction like buildings…

reclusive vibes

When your thoughts resonate well with someone else, that’s a beautiful moment. I was listening to the thoughts of a very famous singer’s view on privacy and how precious it…

subtle trials

” No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude and humility….

human libraries

I recently read about “human libraries” that is common in Denmark. The concept is interesting. There are libraries there where you can “borrow” a person instead of a book and…

level of thought

..Whatever we hold at the level of thought, emotion, and spirit translates directly into experiences of either happiness and peace or chaos and dissatisfaction. ..Eiman Al Zaabi

a coffee parable.

It’s philosophy time. I read this interesting exemplum recently. It’s the example of a coffee as outlined below. If we extend it to a broader realm, experiences work the same…

full moon.

That’s probably the longest hiatus that I might have taken after starting writing here. Mostly due to medical reasons, I was lacking the frame of mind that I need to…

blank canvas

An abstract piece that I worked on recently. ““In the fear of creating something normal, he stared at that blank canvas for a very long time with a brush in…

Memory Museums

This piece of art is inspired by a theme that I’ve always pondered on. The museum of our “minds”. Albeit it sounds poetic, each of us are museums of memories….


Lacuna refers to an unfilled gap. I’m extending it to the scenario now wherein I’m back here in this space from a considerably long hiatus. I was actually moving my…

organic eminence

Like me, you should also be remembering instances and encounters from your life where you were blown away by the quality or passion with which you’d find a person would…

a gauging pause.

I’m very ardent and passionate about learning things online. Whatever little skills that I count on, including building this very website you see here are self-taught. Over the past several…

time fences

“Much of what we assume are “natural” units of time are really fences our ancestors constructed in order to corral time. Seconds, hours, and weeks are all human inventions.” ― Daniel…


Impatience leads to resistance. Trust in divine timing. “Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind.” ― David G….

Rainbow metaphor

Everybody views rainbows differently. The person right next to you is seeing it from a set of water droplets that are different from the water droplets that are creating the…

Jordyn’s stories

I came to know about this new filmmaker on the block Jordyn Dunseath through one of Peter Mckinnon‘s film making competitions and I’m impressed by the soulfulness and art in…

bird’s eye.

I always have this fantasy of flying high up in the air and having a bird’s eye view of places. I had numerous childhood dreams of just flying about in…


Beautiful decor inside a prayer hall in Sharjah. Besides the beautiful lantern style lamps, there’s natural light diffusing out of the colored window panes at the top. Remember mosaic lamp…

traveling within

Quick art inspiration from an afternoon tea with Netta. Wherever you go, east, west, north or south, think of it as a journey into yourself! The one who travels into…


“A man is born gentle and weak; at his death, he is hard and stiff. All things, including the grass and trees, are soft and pliable in life; dry and…

endless horizons

That’s about five days of some writers block here and we’re back with endless horizons. That’s the merriment of a canvas with infinite possibilities of creative expression with brushes and…

Beach gaze

An early morning stroll near the waters at Vadakara with Netta’s dad. ExploreNovel NemosNeon GemsSerene PasturesShadow LightsDwellingSeeds SownThe WoodlandInnocenceThe Circle – Drone ExpeditionEthereal EuphoriaPonder SeriesFluvial ZealFragments of PathwaysBirds to ChennaiAqua…


I was reading a Persian tradition, and it speaks about a beautiful way of improving perspectives and regulating outlook both during suffering and joy. It says that in any event…

Tetra gardens

Removed wood and added a stone for decor. Couldn’t effectively control the algae growth on the wooden block inside. Have to figure that out. Until then, let’s give more room…

veiled luxuries

It’s not a 23-course buffet menu that is merriment.  It’s often in those simple luxuries concealed under the veil of unadorned ordinaries. For me, it can be in some ghee…

is it a dream?

When you dream, everything looks real until you exit that dream.When you’re in the dream, you never know that you’re within a dream.What makes you so sure that you’re not…

Novel Nemos

We have some new friends on the block. Our old Half moon betta is no more and I decided to opt-in for fishes that are less territorial in nature. So…

the hourglass

“The sand in the hourglass runs from one compartment to the other, marking the passage of moments with something constant and tangible. If you watch the flowing sand, you might…

Maker’s time

When you read something that absolutely resonates with what we have to express, that’s an aha moment. Now, I’m in such a pleasant disposition after reading a good essay and…

every grain of sand

Every grain of sand brushing our feat weaves a story. This poster is inspired by beautiful moments pulling into our memory time machine, sort of like how the moon pulls…

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beholden quarantine

Like most of us these days, there’s every likelihood that you also would be overwhelmed by the influx of information and statistics on COVID 19 and the lockdown situation prevailing…

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corona tea

These days, we are drowning in COVID-19 information in all spheres. I don’t think a single day passes without us hearing some tally of people infected, recovered, and passed away….

vibe tribes

The theme behind this poster graphics is a reflection to have our own vibes to find our tribes. Be it photography, art, writing, engineering, philosophy, sociology, you name it, the…

alchemy of yearning

Sunrise, beach, clear skies. They’re a perfect alchemy of yearning. “With a bound, the sun of a molten fiery red cam above the horizon, and immediately thousands of little birds…

aqua blends

Bright red and plant green blends to form a piece of art. If you love aqua-scaping, skim through Story de’aquatics. I have also written a detailed article on Planted aquariums – How…

blissful sunshine

“With a little heartache;Gone with the time,Are certain memories,Intricately designed.To call & narrateA story of blissful sunshine.”― Somya Kedia Light is one of our favorite themes. Delve in more.Slipping to the…


“A person does not grow from the ground like a vine or a tree, one is not part of a plot of land. Mankind has legs so it can wander.”― Roman…

mango choc – Ep6

Yes, that’s right. A weird combo of fresh mango juice sprinkled with white chocolate. Let’s file this into ‘Culinary Experiences’ , a series of visual stories that we started on our…

slicing moments

An old photograph of AR. “All photographs are memento mori. To take a photograph is to participate in another person’s (or thing’s) mortality, vulnerability, mutability. Precisely by slicing out this…

slipping to the dusk

It’s one of my favorite divertissements to scroll through old Google Photos archives,  spice up old photos and just wonder about the times back in those days.  When I first…


 While watching a documentary film recently, I came across this track called Shine. I really love this genre of music which has a calm and inspiring aura to it and…

metaphor of sun

I photographed this with Netta from the Andaman Islands. What I like the most about this photograph is how the sun rising is spreading its light across everything. From the…

Neon Gems

Have you seen Neon tetra fishes torching at you with blue lights? Well, now you can 🙂 Read: Story de’aquatics and Fluvial Zeal Planted aquariums – How to make them last…

realizing roots.

Illustrated by: The Border Of a Mind. There are many intricacies that often stay in the realm of thoughts that is yearning our awe. Think of the trees with their…

dormant cobwebs

A beautiful cobweb style rooftop that I found somewhere near Abudhabi many years back (atleast six!). I’m unable to recollect the exact place, but I remember how the sunset hues…

nurturing dreams.

illustrated by The Border Of a Mind Studios. “Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the…

Amble out.

“Arise from sleep, old cat, And with great yawns and stretchings… Amble out for love” ― Issa, Japanese Haiku photographed from Istanbul, 2014.

undream | fine art

More Fine Art: Build with the mind  “forsaken steps”  in objet trouvé concept. Humble Life Paint with Light Choosing the Circus Mind Vessel Dreaming Beyond Mirror Done in Love Enigmatic…


While looking at some old notes from 2016 that I wrote when I watched this short video in 2016, I can see that I had left a note in a…

clouds of fire.

“The blue of daylight fades and chills as the sun sinks beneath clouds of fire.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes Captured by Netta. Retouched by yours truly.

mind magnet

I have read somewhere that mind is akin to a magnet in a certain sense.  It’s concomitant of the thoughts espoused within. If we put our thoughts about blessings,  the…


“Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent. We would not dare to conceive the things which are really mere commonplaces of existence. If we…

plant tread.

Remember those days where we passionately spoke of Golden pothos propagation craft and the flora shelf. Finally ticking a long term pending list scroll, I potted some money plants and…

vitreous worlds

It’s about having the eye to see the internal within the external. It’s to probe purpose and beauty in chaos and noise. It requires patience, intention, and humility. “Intellect is…


It’s been more than 3-4 years that I played around the appearance of the page. I’ve been lately researching a lot on stripping down all the noise and bringing everything…

dandelion dreams.

Well, there’s all probability that you’ve stumbled across a cliche dandelion shot like this. This one is that I took from a journey through some farms in Yerevan, Armenia. I’ve…


This resonates well with my take on it. Remember when we talked about the vision? I had written that this space is a virtual studio of arts, ideas and minds…

furnishing head.

Decor and lights are something that always steers me to explore my old archives. “I’m more preoccupied with furnishing my head than the place where I live. The most beautiful…


“Let excellence be your brand. When you’re excellent you become unforgettable. Doing the right thing, even when nobody knows you’re doing the right thing will always bring the right thing…

articulative eloquence.

A photograph of an early morning stroll at Kala Pathar Beach, Havelock Islands captured by Netta. Today, the theme is about words and articulation. “10% of conflict is due to…

Spirit of the Stairway

This is a photograph that I took from a museum at Yerevan. The title of the post is based on the same notes from a French phrase. “ People in…


“There is a difference between dining and eating. Dining is an art. When you eat to get most out of your meal, to please the palate, just as well as…

about the storm.

“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over….

Shadow Lights

A visual montage story from the Sharjah Light Festival in 2020. The Sharjah Light Festival invites internationally renowned artists to celebrate science, creativity, and heritage in a display of lights…

stories unpacked

Sara Sheridan once wrote, “To me, reading through old letters and journals is like treasure hunting. Somewhere in those faded, handwritten lines, there is a story that has been packed…

seeds sown.

“I grow plants for many reasons: to please my eye or to please my soul, to challenge the elements or to challenge my patience, for novelty or for nostalgia, but…

mind streets.

A street from Istanbul photographed in 2014. The building seen in the backdrop is a part of the famous Sultan Ahmet Mosque, also known as the “Blue Mosque”. Built somewhere…

stories & tea.

We’re holistically themed on rediscovering the extraordinary in the ordinary by vision.  Let’s compliment with a little poster from an afternoon tea with Netta. “Who would then deny that when…

to be the eyes of a dove.

The title of this post is inspired by a beautiful poem written by the Serbian poet Dejan Stojanovic. Saw this lonely bird on the office gates after a day from…

The woodland.

Here is a video update to the tank. The ferns have spread across the woods and the Hydrocotyle has really grown well with its deep roots. Probably, I would have…

flower seller.

This is a photograph from 2014. While we were hanging out at a coffee shop in Istanbul, there came this ethereal little flower-seller selling flower bouquets to the cafe market. There…


When I put forward my vision for The Border of a Mind Studios, I had written: “Au fond, this is my vision of a virtual studio of arts, ideas and…

wholly alive.

There’s a toll with superfluous consistency in writing. At times, it can slither from its very intent. It’s imperative to be wholly alive. “The most solid advice for a writer…

panda cram.

It’s one of my favourite pastimes to graze through old photo archives and to relish and hark back to the stories and memories that evoked them. Recently, I discovered a…

filling frame.

This is a photograph from a visit to Princess Islands in Turkey sometime in 2014. It’s a frame that still fills and imbue my mind. Grateful to Almighty for such…

ornate blossoms

Petals are something I’m sort of eccentrically inquisitive about. In some of our earlier writings, we’ve wondered about their ethereal quality and have read on how beautifully they edify a…


“A man is born gentle and weak; at his death, he is hard and stiff. All things, including the grass and trees, are soft and pliable in life; dry and…

ethereal euphoria

More cinematics to explore :Aerial AuraPonder Series | Visual NarrativeFluvial ZealFragments of PathwaysBirds to ChennaiAqua CaperTraffic Blur | Recollecting “Sonder”Membranes of Memories  


This is Ep 2 of our new series – ‘Culinary Experiences’ crafted with an unpresuming intention for journaling some of the best ambrosial culinary experiences, be it the finest cordon…

flora shelf.

The arrangement of the vertical garden is tuned to give a dense feeling.  All plants are brought to the shelf including the newly populated money plants (also called Golden Pothos)….


Don’t force anything. What flows will flow. What’s meant for you will be for you. Above photograph captured by Netta from Pondicherry beach, 2017. Red mermaid Netta in the above…

aerial aura

Dear friend AR recently teased with a glimpse of some of his exquisite aerial shots coming straight from the vast UAE deserts terrains. The creative tiger inside AR surprises us…

passionate soulful prowess

Recently I’ve have been grazing through the videos by Chinese blogger Li Ziqi, who became an internet sensation after her videos on handicrafts, traditional cooking, and DIY from the countryside…


A photograph of a world traveler that I took on a visit to Princess Islands in Istanbul. Remembering the words of Eliott Erwitt that “Color is descriptive. Black and white…

fluvial zeal.

It’s a treat if we can get the graceful and dashing Redmoon Betta flaunting its beautiful feathers captured. This is the best visuals I’ve got so far. Aquatic zeal on…

certain tracks

I stumbled across this gem recently. There’re certain tracks that set you on that apt calm temperamental disposition to create and work passionately on what you love. This is one…

sprouting skylines

A sunset drenched view of an elegant Dubai skyline captured sometime before 2014. Sunlight is painting. “ Pilgrims from all over the world were making their way to the place…

glistening sky

Bank of clouds at the entrance of my office building inching across the sky. Bright radiant blue skies weaved with a tapestry of clouds. We find these “windows” in architectural…


After recently seeing a South Indian flick revolving around the story of an army man and his valiant death in the service of the nation, I’ve been thinking of Major…


Occasionally some technology comes in and just blows your mind! This is one of them. We commonly hear about engineering software slowly growing themselves into tablet and mobile platforms to…


We have spoken about fragility in the same thematic context before.  I happened to read about the concept of  Mono no aware frequently referred to in Japanese culture. “Mono no aware,…


Just recollected one of my old write up from 2013.  Professionally, I’m a mechanical design engineer working on the design of engineering products used in offshore and infrastructure applications. There…

aqua caper

Today let’s add a chapter to our moving images archive.  Hope you’ve read Story de’ aquatics, where we talked about, amateurish aquascaping.  In the signature style of the Border of…


Happened to see this insightful message on Success. Couldn’t find the original author of this text, but have a glance. It’s thought-provoking and perspective-changing. For 1 year old Success is…


I had written on this page about Kintsugi. It’s a very interesting Japanese concept. It’s widely used in art and pottery but what’s even more enthralling is its philosophic extension…


/ˌanəmˈniːsɪs/. The title of this post is from the late 16th-century Greek word anamnēsis related to ‘remembrance’. Clouds and sunset light playing a symphony of art in a winter evening…

Story de’ aquatics.

I’m a hobbyist aquarist and used to maintain and curate fish bowls many years back. In the first fish bowls, I started with plastic accessories and pebbles. Over time, I…

digitize better.

We are living in a world wherein documentations are increasingly handled digitally and governments and institutions are pacing swiftly towards a paperless future. Every one of us has important documents…


I happened to see this interesting message in a forum and thought of sharing it with readers. My firm conviction is that a little restraint, patience and calmness in dealing…

fine art.

There are days when Almighty helps to consummate those little trivial novel longings we nurture in the back of our hearts. Yesterday was such a day. I’ve had a little…


“If the photographer is interested in the people in front of his lens, and if he is compassionate, it’s already a lot. The instrument is not the camera but the…


” Every garden scheme should have a backbone, a central idea beautifully phrased. Every wall, path, stone, and flower should have its relationship to the central idea. ” – Edwin…


“The best use of life is to spend it for something that outlasts life. Life is like a cash register, in that every account, every thought, every deed, like every…

Virtual Reality(VR) Spiel

I got my first hands-on experience with a professional VR system last August. The set I tried was an HTC vive. I had assembled a classic Google Cardboard system couple…

Picture in the brain.

Interesting conversation with Dave Howells, advertising photographer, and ex-photojournalist as he’d love to call himself. He explains how he creates his signature frames and his experiences photographing famous people in…

Igniting Dreams!

A beautifully done tribute to late former Indian president and aerospace scientist Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. Beautifully shot by Matt Shaw and directed by Senthil Kumar, the video gracefully walks through…


 ❝ Why should you think that beauty, which is the most precious thing in the world, lies like a stone on the beach for the careless passer-by to pick up idly?…

Cerebral Vent

“The studio is a laboratory, not a factory. An exhibition is the result of your experiments, but the process is never-ending. So an exhibition is not a conclusion.” – Chris Ofili…

Encompassing’ art.

“I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe…

oeuvre papyrus!

The title is inspired from the late 19th-century French word oeuvre which broadly refers to the body of work of a painter, composer, or author is normally a work of…

Tea’ Key!

“Tea is the magic key to the vault where my brain is kept.” ― Frances Hardinge Tea is wealth itself, because there is nothing that cannot be lost, no problem that…

Receptive Canvas.

“Social counterpoints can be a shrieking reality. But life may nevertheless become a colorful canvas with an array of opportunities, allowing us to escape from the suffocation of our enclosure…

Tastes of home

I had written previously about a beautiful ad titled “bucket”. As modern life becomes so convenient and advanced in China, local specialties treasured by China’s rural communities are often under-appreciated…


“Because forgiveness is like this: a room can be dank because you have closed the windows, you’ve closed the curtains. But the sun is shining outside, and the air is…


..“Everybody wants to reach the peak, but there is no growth on the top of a mountain. It is in the valley that we slog through the lush grass and…

90s memory blithe’

Stumbled across this old video aired by Doordarshan (For those who are not aware, it is India’s public service broadcaster) somewhere in the 90s. This ad came as a part…

Elephant shoes

“Don’t ask why the elephants wear such large shoes, And why the kangaroos are reborn kidnappers, And why the sailing birds are all Romantics.” ― Robert Bly, Talking into the Ear of…

Vanished Engines

“I thought you could build a story that would function as a machine or else a complex of machines, each one moving separately, yet part of a process that ultimately…


“Think the tree that bears nutrition: though the fruits are picked, the plant maintains fruition. So give all the love you have. Do not hold any in reserve. What is…

“Truth forever on the scaffold”

“Truth forever on the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne, Yet that scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim unknown, Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his…

Containing Multitudes

This post is inspired by a quote I heard in some interview on Youtube. I’m not able to clearly recollect the video or else I could link it here. It’s…

Pondering on Birds

In front of my apartment, birds occasionally come and sit on the terrace window and chirp and spend time on that terrace. And there you go! that’s the birth of…


Let’s speak of skeuomorphism today. Interaction design foundation puts the definition lucid if you aren’t familiar with this concept before. Skeuomorphism is a term most often used in graphical user interface…


‘Sensemaking: The Power of the Humanities in the Age of the Algorithm‘ is an incisive book written by Christian Madsbjerg. I stumbled across this book during a spun-out wait at…


“ Somewhere between the bottom of the climb and the summit is the answer to the mystery why we climb. ” – Greg Child


“You only truly possess that which you cannot lose in a shipwreck.” ― أبو حامد الغزالي


How often do you get a nice little hot tea in a mud cup sprinkled lavishly with saffron. Not too often ; )


I’m glad to start the “ ponder “ series with this beautiful theme. What is illustrated below is something that we don’t think deeply normally in our routines. When I’m…

“Ponder” Series

22 Dec 2018, Today I’m laying the groundwork for  “ponder” series, which is a pilot project of Border of a Mind Studios  arm and is aligned with the vision of this…


” If you’ve a family that loves you, a few good friends, food on your table and a roof over your head, you’re richer than you think” – Unknown author…

“Ephemeral Pause”

I got this beautiful message forwarded. Couldn’t identify the original author online. A lovely little girl was holding two apples with both hands. Her mum came in and softly asked…

Let it Pass!

“You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic; true power…


“..And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy…

Soul Relish

“Hark, now hear the sailors cry, Smell the sea, and feel the sky, Let your soul & spirit fly, into the mystic.” – “Into the Mystic” , Van Morrison, “Lit…

Wonder Crate

Every child, at some point in his childhood would have some sort of a chest, where he/she would store his cherished memories and treasures. For some, it may be some…


“There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky; there is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the soul.” Les Misérables


When someone who knows the craft of photography & cinematography really well puts in a beautiful video for his adorable lil’ angel, it turns out to be pure visual bliss…


“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat,  determination & hard work ” Colin Powell. “Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the…

‘Job from the Heart’

“Every job from the heart is, ultimately, of equal value. The nurse injects the syringe; the writer slides the pen; the farmer plows the dirt; the comedian draws the laughter….

Spontaneous Pleasures

“Any patch of sunlight in a wood will show you something about the sun which you could never get from reading books on astronomy. These pure and spontaneous pleasures are…

Familiar Tribe

“All my life I’ve always come back to one thing, my need to feel free and the need to feel the breeze, the ride provides a freedom this gypsy needs,…

Ladder to a Star

Not different from my usual proclivity to correlate everything into quotes, this time also, it’s not an exception. As Edmond de Goncourt put it, “ A poet is a man…


“Years vanish. Months collapse. Time is like a tall building made of playing cards. It seems orderly until a strong gust of wind comes along and blows the whole thing…

Sonder n.

I’m adopting this from The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows. If you think about it profoundly ,that’s absolutely remarkable. It’s detailing about those “extras” in the background of our routines and a realization…

Gazing at Stars

“If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I bet they’d live a lot differently. When you look into infinity, you realize there are more important things…


A mosque near university city, Sharjah that I frequent for evening walks and occasional prayers. I’m just drawn into the silence and serenity at this place during non peak hours….

Sunlight is Painting!

Couldn’t agree more =) Beams of light could be captured and crafted well to transform chores and normal subjects to be a ‘painting’ in the realm of our mind. Haven’t…


Found this interesting piece while reading. Sharing  = ) ” Money rules our lives. You can rail against it. You can claim to be above it or indifferent to it….


Flying over Andaman Islands. Havelock is literally a paradise with its white sand shores and lush, untouched landscapes.  Visual treat for the soul.

Beautiful People

” The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These…

Painting Memories

“Painting picture by picture, I followed the impressions my eye took in at heightened moments. I painted only memories, adding nothing, no details that I did not see. Hence the…


It’s a delight to ponder on the profundities of allegories drawing on metaphors and parables. I usually archive such writings that I go through. Here is one =) Millions of…


Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person. Albert Einstein

Planned Obsolescence

Trying to drub planned obsolescence on electronics I own. Would try to report the findings of this in 2020, God willing. Basic software updates are to be trimmed down. Running programs…