“True love begins when nothing is looked for in return. “
– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The search for true love is often a pursuit filled with misconceptions. Many people interpret the theme in different ways. But to me, it speaks to the ultimate goal of love and how we get there.
Some believe it means simply waiting for love to find you without any action on your part. But I believe it’s about what you do after finding someone. While it may start as passion or friendship, true love is about being with someone because you want to be with them – for no other reason.
True love requires a shift in perspective, moving beyond seeking something in return and toward pure selflessness. If we are only with someone because of what they offer us, we are in a transactional relationship. But once we stop seeking compensation and simply give, we transcend into a higher form of love.
This concept applies to all forms of love, not just romantic relationships. Consider your relationships with friends, family, and even humanity as a whole. List what you get out of each relationship and consider if it’s necessary for your love. The answers may provide insight into what you’re really seeking in life and how you relate to others.
Love is not a business transaction, it’s a state of being that transcends beyond receiving and into giving. So let us open our hearts to the purity of true love and embrace the selflessness that it requires. Try approaching your friends, aquaintances and your circles with an approach expecting nothing in return from them. You’ll notice deeper bonds and influences. Even if such people have been across your lives for a very short period of time, you remember them and they leave an influence on you. It’s very heartwarming to cultivate relationships with souls whom we come across in our lives with this genuine connection expecting nothing in return from them. I always truly believe in leaving people better than how I found them. Afterall, behind the vision of maintaining this portal lies my sincere wish to enrich your souls with positivity and to maintain your spirits high. Thank you very much for taking time to read.
God bless : ) Love to hear your thoughts.