It’s easy to feel lost amidst life’s twists and turns. We all experience times when our plans don’t work out as intended, and uncertainty clouds our vision of what comes next. In those moments, it’s natural to look back with regret or forward with dread. However, dwelling in disappointment prevents us from appreciating how far we’ve truly come. Each step of our journey, whether triumphant or troubled, contributes to the person we become. We learn through both success and failure, with experience gradually granting wisdom that opening each new door cannot provide. What seems a mistake at the time may lead us exactly where we need to go. Though ambiguity can feel uncomfortable, it allows for growth that a rigid path could never foster. Rather than seeing uncertainty as something to fear or defeat, we would do well to accept it as a constant reality of being human. In a world of limitless possibilities, none of us has perfect clarity. We can only make choices based on our present understanding, which will forever evolve along with new knowledge and insights. This does not mean we lack agency, but that we retain the ability to reconsider our direction when wiser eyes see opportunities to adjust our course. The destination remains unwritten. But taking stock of how much we’ve learned since setting out reminds us that each new challenge, however daunting, has been met before. We’ve endured changes that once seemed impossible to imagine. And so we can find confidence that whatever comes, our ability to adapt and push forward will be enough. In these transient moments, it serves us to reflect on the resilience of the human spirit through history’s uncertain tides. Darkness does not erase the light-bearing stars; it but makes their gentle guidance ever more clear. So too will hope sustain us if we trust in the process that has shaped who we are – opening our eyes with patience, empathy and compassion to the rich experience of being works in progress.