
PhoenixA legendary Arabian bird said to periodically burn itself to death and emerge from the ashes as a new phoenix; according to most versions only one phoenix lived at a time and it renewed itself every 500 years (Wordweb)

I started blogging in 2006. The most passive way of venting out our creative elan and zeal, a platform for jotting down our mind’s undulations and waves. Apart from the initial years of my teenage, I have held myself anonymous in my online writings. People whom I looked up to for their endearing blogs were long-term cyberspace veterans who started writing online before 2000s when blogging was not vernacular as it is now.

After some braced, steady writing for about 2 years, I was into my learning stage of my 20s where you get passionate about what you learn and your blog is filled up with what you have read and learned. Basically, after those years, my blogging habit was on a utter hitch. The introvert in me prevented and finished off all the attempts for me to be back in embarking the ship of writing. I had deleted some half-cooked blogs and then came a time where I found social media websites as an instrumentate for writing and partaking what I’ve been up to. Being a soul who easily become blasé with these sort of stuff eventually gave up that as well.

I’m now on an endeavor to be back in control of my little life and to develop a more intimate and personal relationship with Almighty. In the end, it’s what matters. Everything else is bound to fade out in time.  I’d try to keep the blog upto-date with my growth, as little as it may be. I might also share some non-contextual help-to notes on fields you might be least interested. That might be only to provide a self – reference on that topic.

Here I’m 🙂

I hope this would sustain and stand the test of time.


  1. I Really want to ask so much and to comment so many… but when i open the hour glass…. all other things vanished from my mind…
    I just want to say… stay happy for ever with your NN <3 <3 <3

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