be a bird

The Bigger Picture

This is another scenario where I read or watch something related to a recent notion that has been on my mind. I was reading and pondering recently about giving someone or something my whole attention rather than engaging in undue multitasking. I’m used to completing many activities at once, especially at work and in other settings, and I consider it to be productive. But there are moments when we need to slow down. I’ve been thinking a lot about paying entire attention to discussions and interactions since my child entered my life. We live in a world of distractions and two-minute attention spans. So Jordyn Dunseath’s intriguing video was an ace to the point. Keep an eye on it. (It just takes three minutes.)

She narrates”Be a bird. See from the bird’s eye view. See the big picture. Look, the earth is big and it’s beautiful. The details of life do matter, and yes, and it can get hard , but take a step back sometimes to find what you are grateful for. Drop the unnecessary responsibilites you put on yourself. Sometimes, when life feels so chaotic, the easiest change you can make is your perspective. Be reminded of the birds. Do not worry about your life, what you would eat, what you would drink, your body, what you’ll wear. Look at the birds in the air. They do not sew or reap or store away in barns, yet Almighty feeds them. Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? ”

Arriving on time, This was what I wanted to hear. As in the prophet’s stories, “If you trusted on Almighty as He should be relied on, He would make provision for you as He does for the birds.’ They leave hungry in the morning and return full in the evening.” I seek for the times when I can hold this mindset with me and see everything from a wider perspective. The sense of relaxation and clarity it provides is simply astonishing. Friends, may God bless you!
I appreciate you taking the time to read the post.

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