relishing this second.

While you glance at these lines at this very second, look at your life for one second and see how sophesticated and magical it is. Stop hunting for the next hidden door that will bring you to your true life. This very second is the representation of your life. It’s all condensed in this one second. No, it’s not in your plans for tonight or your long term plan for the next decade. No, it was not in the last year or any experience you had yesterday evening or even let’s say, not in any experiences from your childhood memories. When you glance at your old photographs and memories, that’s not it. Even if it is all of those things. And add to it all of your future expectations. Put in your plans, investments, objectives, and desires. But what you really have is this very second you are experiencing. It doesn’t change if you’re reading this on a flight in Denmark or if you’re sipping a tea in a small village, or concluding the next assignment at your desk, or reading this on your phone now, always remember that you’re experiencing life through this very second. And it’s all what you have. Let’s fill it with gratefulness & a mindset to enable us to live in the moment, truly experiencing it. All the noise and hustle and bustle around it is not worth your time.

Relishing this second | Original Fine art from The Border Of a Mind.

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