orange creep on swirling clouds.

From a winter sky in the UAE with scattered clouds sprouting gradually after an enchanting daybreak. Thin rays of orange creep up around the office premises and that leaves me in awe of this enrapturing spectacle on the horizon.

“ We’re not moments, Megan, you and me. We’re events. You say you might not be the same person you were a year ago? Well, who is? I’m sure not. We change, like swirling clouds around a rising sun.”

Brandon Sanderson, Calamity

Thou knows that sunlight is painting. You know.
Read Spontaneous pleasures.

the flicker of leaves

My vehement fascination with petals and the art in their arrangements transcends to tree trunks and stems as well and this is what we have pulled off  : )

This is a mobile photograph taken from Al Ain Oasis. Down the memory lane, my 2019 year started on top of a mountain in the UAE. Instead of chasing fireworks, we pursued mountain trails in 2019. In place of the rabble and gaggle of a fireworks crowd, we tried to embrace the assuasive and soothing equanimity in the mountains.

“You are most beautiful in your purest form. You are a manifestation of God himself. Open your eyes and let the light flow right through to your core. All it takes is for you to notice a flicker of leaves, a momentary glance from a loved one, or for a wave to hit your toes and freeze you in that timeless place where you know with every cell in your body that God, indeed is real.”

Soroosh Shahrivar, The Rise of Shams

the golden lamp.

Roman Payne famously told that sunrise is the most precious gold to be found on earth. It’s a luxury that every one of us can peek at regardless of where we are or who we are. Sunrise lighting is a miraculous golden lamp that can be used to paint anything to ecstasy. If we place mountains also in this frame, what you get is pure visual bliss. We had this short stop on the way to Wadi Al Helo from the Sharjah mainland in the UAE. Travelling and riding just before sunrise through the mountain footways would uncloak some of the best visual memories and awesomeness you’ve ever had.

Life. This morning the sun made me adore it. It had, behind the dripping pine trees, the oriental brightness, orange and crimson, of a living being, a rose and an apple, in the physical and ideal fusion of a true and daily paradise.
― Juan Ramón Jiménez, Time and Space: A Poetic Autobiography

” Each day is born with a sunrise
and ends in a sunset, the same way we
open our eyes to see the light,
and close them to hear the dark.
You have no control over
how your story begins or ends.
But by now, you should know that
all things have an ending.
Every spark returns to darkness.
Every sound returns to silence.
And every flower returns to sleep
with the earth.
The journey of the sun
and the moon is predictable.
But yours,
is your ultimate
― Suzy Kassem

With a bound, the sun of a molten fiery red cam above the horizon, and immediately thousands of little birds sang out for joy, and a soft chorus of mysterious, glad murmurs came forth from the earth; the low whispering wind left its hiding-place among the clefts and hollows of the hills, and wandered among the rustling herbs and trees, waking the flower-buds to the life of another day.
― Elizabeth Gaskell, Ruth

Camels on the Horizon

This illustration is inspired by a visual that I photographed couple of years back on an afternoon in the outskirts of a desert area in Sharjah wherein I found some camels ambling through the desert boundaries and the sun decided to set in the background in the evening.  The shadows and the colors along with the warmth of sun rays blended into a visual ecstasy.  Sunlight is indeed painting : )