reserves of inner strength

The turbulent waters ebb and flow against our innermost boundaries, eroding anchors of stability and flooding our mental footholds with doubt. Yet within each mind lies a stout foundation, built upon reserves of courage that can strengthen to withstand even the harshest of life’s tempests. Our deepest wells of fortitude and resolve are there to be tapped when adversity demands we raise our gaze and bravely confront the uncertainties stretching darkly across the horizon.

Each new morning holds the potential to upend our usual routines. As the light of day breaks over the horizon, we go about our rituals never suspecting what unexpected challenges may lie in wait just beyond sight. Life has a way of suddenly derailing even our best laid plans without warning. It is in these unforeseen crossroads where our true mettle is revealed – whether we bend or stand resolute against the uncertainties thrown our way.

For one such individual, the defining moment came as normalcy faded into a fog of dread. A simple start to the day transformed in an instant as difficult news shattered assumptions of what was yet to come. Where stability once anchored the hours and days ahead, now only murky questions lingered. Prevailing fears and doubts crowded out rational thought. Not ready to face what hovered at the edges of comprehension, a desperate hope begged for more time to mentally prepare for life’s new crucible. But circumstance allowed no reprieve. Harsh realities could no longer be postponed, demanding courage where escape seemed the easier option. Adversity plainly posed its challenge – to collapse under the weight of distress or rise above it. Though unprepared and unwilling, staying afloat required summoning reserves of inner strength left untapped. As the initial turmoil began to recede, hard-won perspective took shape. While we can never preempt life’s harshest blows, meeting them head on with fortitude and acceptance is the sole means of carrying on. Each trial we weather grows our ability to withstand the next, as darkness inevitably gives way back to light. Though adversity arrives unbidden, with time its lessons can be learned.

sarah’s awakening

As she watched the sunrise through the trees in her backyard, an epiphany came over Sarah. This brief moment of beauty was a reminder of why she had come into this world – not simply to accumulate wealth and status, but to express herself and make meaningful contributions however she was able.
She didn’t need to climb the corporate ladder at the cost of her soul

Sarah woke with a start, the dream still vivid in her mind. She saw herself decades from now, alone in a big empty house, surrounded by possessions and achievements but feeling utterly unfulfilled. As the morning sun rose, she knew she needed to make a change before it was too late. Rather than rushing off to her high-pressure job as usual, Sarah took some time to reflect. She thought about her passions from childhood, back when life seemed full of promise and opportunity. Art and nature had always brought her joy, yet here she was working endless hours in a career that drained her creativity and disconnecting her from the world around her.

As she watched the sunrise through the trees in her backyard, an epiphany came over Sarah. This brief moment of beauty was a reminder of why she had come into this world – not simply to accumulate wealth and status, but to express herself and make meaningful contributions however she was able. She didn’t need to climb the corporate ladder at the cost of her soul. There were other paths that could provide fulfillment if only she had the courage to walk them. That evening, Sarah began resigning from commitments she no longer believed in and drafting a new plan. She would take the spring and summer to rediscover her artistic talents, volunteering with local environmental non-profits in her free time. Come fall, she would teach art part time while also launching an online business selling her nature-inspired paintings. It would be a risk to her financial security, but staying on her current route would be a risk to her well-being. As the days grew longer, Sarah found herself waking each morning with a renewed sense of purpose. She had rediscovered the deep roots of her being and was watering them once more. There would still be challenges ahead, but she was finally living in alignment with who she was born to be.

As you read these lines, look and reflect within you for a moment before you check your phone for the barrage of messages and instagram notifications ready to distract you for the day. There’s a piece of Sarah in you. Life is short.

beyond the superficial

Life’s most precious moments often arise through simple acts of presence – enjoying good company, appreciating nature’s beauty, helping others in small ways. However, constant stimulation makes it challenging to slow down and be fully engaged with the present. Finding inner peace requires periodically disengaging from the noise and reflecting inward.

In today’s fast paced world, it can be easy to lose sight of what really matters. We are constantly bombarded with messages telling us what we need to buy, do, and achieve in order to find fulfillment and happiness. Social media especially amplifies this issue, encouraging us to curate highlight reels of our lives and compare ourselves to unrealistic standards. Behind closed doors, many struggle with feelings of inadequacy and anxiety about keeping up with it all. Rather than letting external influences dictate our sense of self-worth, it is crucial that we learn to listen to our inner voice. When our minds are clear and calm, we can better distinguish between true needs and manufactured wants.

Life’s most precious moments often arise through simple acts of presence – enjoying good company, appreciating nature’s beauty, helping others in small ways. However, constant stimulation makes it challenging to slow down and be fully engaged with the present. Finding inner peace requires periodically disengaging from the noise and reflecting inward. We might journal to gain clarity, practice mindfulness, or openly discuss feelings with trustworthy friends. Making time for renewal allows us to unpack unwanted baggage from the past and envision the future with healthy perspective. With a balanced approach, we can make informed choices aligned with our priorities and values rather than reacting to every flashy advertisement or trend. Ultimately, true happiness stems from appreciating each day as it comes, without demanding more than life can reasonably provide. While commercial forces try to fill alleged voids, the ability to live contentedly starts from within.

lens of reverence

by seeing the ordinary as sacred, we stop taking things for granted. The mundane becomes special, infused with a beauty we previously overlooked. This applies to objects, our surroundings, and even our daily tasks. Treating our possessions with care, engaging in our work with passion, and appreciating the simple things around us can elevate our everyday experiences. | the border of a mind studios

In today’s fast-paced digital era, it’s easy to lose ourselves in the whirlwind of screens and notifications. Our mornings often begin not with a moment of peace, but with a rush to check our devices. As the day progresses, we find ourselves caught in a cycle of stress, multitasking, and constant connection to the digital world, rarely pausing to reflect on our surroundings. However, imagine a different approach to life, one where we perceive our environment and ourselves through a lens of reverence and wonder. This concept goes beyond religious connotations. It’s about seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary, recognizing the remarkable nature of our existence and the world around us. Consider the sheer marvel of life and the universe. The fact that we exist in this vast, intricate cosmos is a phenomenon that can be seen as divine. The beauty of nature – the trees, birds, and the gentle dance of leaves in the wind – all hold a kind of magic that we often overlook. What if we started viewing everything in our lives as precious and deserving of our full attention and respect? This shift in perspective can transform our daily experiences in profound ways.

Firstly, by seeing the ordinary as sacred, we stop taking things for granted. The mundane becomes special, infused with a beauty we previously overlooked. This applies to objects, our surroundings, and even our daily tasks. Treating our possessions with care, engaging in our work with passion, and appreciating the simple things around us can elevate our everyday experiences.

Secondly, this mindset fosters deeper connections with others. When we view people as sacred, our interactions are filled with respect, empathy, and love. We begin to appreciate the unique qualities of each individual, recognizing the shared human experience that connects us all. Moreover, this perspective invites us to treat ourselves with kindness and respect. Recognizing our own sacredness leads to healthier choices, both physically and mentally. We start to value ourselves more, nurturing our bodies and minds with what truly benefits us. Lastly, seeing the world as sacred fills us with awe and a sense of purpose. We become more mindful and present, appreciating the miracle of life and our role in it. Every moment becomes an opportunity to celebrate the wonder of existence. Embracing this view doesn’t require a leap of faith; it simply involves a shift in perception. It’s about acknowledging the extraordinary in the ordinary, finding joy and reverence in the everyday. This approach doesn’t just change how we see the world; it transforms how we live in it. By treating our environment, others, and ourselves as sacred, we open ourselves to a life of deeper meaning, respect, and appreciation.

the hibiscus whisper.

In the dappled sunlight of my office’s garden, a hibiscus flower captures the essence of life’s fleeting moments. Each morning, it unfurls its petals in a vibrant display of ephemeral beauty, a poignant reminder of the transient nature of existence.

Have you ever stopped to admire a hibiscus? Its broad petals boast a palette of blushing pink, while the center—a bold splash of crimson—holds a stamen that stretches outward, dusted with the gold of pollen. This majestic display is a magical artwork, yet, it’s destined to last for just a brief spell. The hibiscus blooms mightily for a day, maybe two, and then, with a grace that speaks volumes, they close their petals, and their time is over.

This natural cycle of the hibiscus is a mirror to our own lives. Like the flower’s brief day in the sun, we too have our moment—fleeting and precious. But in the hustle of everyday life, amidst the digital whirlpool of notifications and distractions, do we remember to embrace the limitedness of our existence?

Think of the last time you truly felt that you lived in the present. When was it? No matter at home or office. Think broadly over let’s say a span of last six months of your life. Can you recall the sensation of being utterly immersed in the now, without a thought for the past or the future? That’s what the hibiscus does every day. It does not lament the setting of the sun; it simply blooms with all its might, here, in the present.

Our resistance to life’s impermanence often manifests as suffering. We wish to hold on to things, to people, to moments, willing them to remain constant. But everything changes. The child grows and leaves the nest. The mirror reflects a version of ourselves that has evolved with time. Work brings challenges that test our sense of capability. When plans go awry, we feel the strain of unpredictability.

Yet, what if we drew inspiration from the hibiscus and its acceptance of the cycle of life? What if we saw the beauty in the passage of time, in the evolution of our lives? Could we not then appreciate the present with a more profound sense of joy and gratitude?

Embrace the lessons of the hibiscus. Let it teach you to cherish the moments you have. When you feel the weight of change, remember the flower’s effortless embrace of life’s rhythm. Consider the possibility that the very impermanence we fear is what lends beauty to our existence.

As you walk by a hibiscus, or any flower that catches your eye, allow yourself a moment to pause. Observe its beauty, knowing that it is here for just a short while. Let this knowledge not sadden you, but awaken you to the richness of the present. Like the hibiscus, may we too learn to make our days count, to fill them with life, to bloom where we are planted.

In the end, the hibiscus doesn’t just teach us about impermanence—it reveals the art of living. By accepting the transient, we can find true peace. By living in the moment, we can discover genuine happiness. Let the hibiscus’s tale be a gentle whisper to your soul: live fully, love deeply, and embrace the fleeting wonder of now.

quiet liberation

Have you ever found yourself caught in a tangle of your own thoughts and emotions, feeling like a sailor amidst a stormy sea? You’re not alone. In this whirlwind of life, mastering the art of letting go is akin to discovering a hidden compass, guiding you towards a life of calm and purpose. It’s not a novel concept, but its depth and impact are often underestimated.

Picture this: a serene lake, its surface smooth as glass. This is the tranquil mind we all yearn for. But what happens when pebbles of anxiety, stones of frustration, or even boulders of self-doubt disrupt this tranquility? The ripples distort our reflection, our true selves. Letting go, then, becomes the art of not tossing these pebbles in the first place.

Think about the last time someone’s actions really got under your skin. Was it truly them, or was it your narrative about how they should act? Or consider those moments when you’re harsh on yourself. Aren’t we often our own toughest critics, crafting stories of inadequacy? It’s these narratives, these tightly held beliefs, that often hold us back from peace and purposeful action.

Now, imagine if you could let go of these stories. Imagine facing a challenge and seeing it not as a mountain blocking your path, but as a part of the landscape of your life. This shift in perspective doesn’t mean ignoring reality or shirking responsibility. Rather, it’s about releasing the grip of preconceived notions that cloud our judgment and wellbeing.

How do we embark on this practice of letting go? First, acknowledge your feelings without judgment. If frustration bubbles up, sit with it. Feel its texture, its weight. It’s not about suppressing or fixing it, but understanding it. Then, gently question the narrative behind this emotion. Is this story serving you, or is it time to let it float away like a cloud in the sky?

As you practice, you might find moments of pure, unfiltered experience. The world, unclouded by your perceptions, can reveal wonders you never noticed. The chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, or even the laughter of a loved one can take on a new significance.

Wouldn’t it be liberating to approach tasks without the weight of preconceived notions? To engage in conversations without the baggage of past frustrations? This is the freedom that comes with letting go.

In this journey, remember that letting go isn’t a destination but a continuous process. It’s a path we walk every day, a skill we refine with each step. And as we walk this path, we might just find that the world opens up in ways we never imagined.

So, are you ready to embrace the art of letting go and discover the peace and focus that lie within?

one moment at a time

let’s dive into a topic that’s buzzing everywhere – living in the now. It’s not a new concept; in fact, it’s been a hot topic in countless blogs, books, and maybe even your last Instagram binge. But let’s toss in a fresh perspective, shall we? Let’s explore this familiar journey with the Present Moment in a way that’s uniquely ours. Ever noticed how life feels when you truly soak in every bit of ‘now’? Imagine you’re sipping your favorite drink. Feel its taste, its temperature, the way it makes you feel. That’s you, being in the moment. It’s about tuning into your surroundings, your own breath, and the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions inside you. It’s like being the conductor of an orchestra where every sensation and thought plays its part. But hey, getting distracted is part of the game, right? The trick is to come back, gently. No self-judgment, just a smooth return to the here and now. Now, let’s talk about curiosity. Approach the present like a child discovering a butterfly. Be open, welcoming whatever the moment brings. It’s all about embracing experiences without labeling them. After all, every experience is a chapter in our story, nothing more, nothing less. Ever find yourself craving a distraction or getting lost in a maze of thoughts? That’s your cue to return to the present. Just observe. It’s like watching clouds pass by in the sky. Life can get bumpy, I know. In those not-so-comfortable moments, show the present some love and patience. Stick with it. Remember, when your mind decides to go on a little trip, gently bring it back. It’s like training a puppy – with kindness and persistence. You might just find that this embracing of the present starts to transform you. It opens up new doors, making you more receptive, more in tune with life. It’s not just about the big shifts; sometimes, it’s the subtle changes that make all the difference. So, why not give this a try? Embrace the present, and see how it changes your world, one moment at a time.

the art of action

Capturing the electrifying journey of ideas from concept to consciousness, this illustration vividly portrays ‘The Border of a Mind’ as a conduit of inspiration, where thoughts are rewired and dreams are powered into reality.

Ah, it’s you again with me, gather ’round and let me spin you a tale of our everyday odyssey, from the land of longing to the realm of doing. It’s a curious journey, isn’t it? How we often find ourselves perched on the edge of desire, gazing longingly at the vast expanse of action yet unable to take that leap. Picture this: you’re standing at the river’s edge, toes curling in the damp earth, staring across the water. That’s our lives, isn’t it? Brimming with dreams and to-dos, but oh, that river of uncertainty! It swirls and eddies, whispering tales of doubt and fear. “What if I’m not ready?” we ask the wind. “What if I tumble and fall?” Take, for instance, that task you’ve been dodging, much like a cat sidesteps a puddle. It’s a beast, shrouded in a fog of uncertainty. Every time you near it, the fog thickens, and you retreat. But ah, when you finally wrestle it to the ground, it turns out to be a kitten, not a tiger. And you laugh, wondering why you danced this strange tango of delay. Or consider that project, a seed planted in the fertile soil of your mind, craving sunlight but shaded by excuses. “It’s not the right time,” you whisper to the seed, as days turn to weeks. It’s a tango with the unknown, a delicate jump outside your comfort zone. And then, there’s the coach, the guiding star you yearn to reach out to. But hesitation wraps around you like a cloak. Questions buzz like bees in your head, “Am I good enough? Will I blossom or wither?” Such indecision, my dear, is a thief in the night, stealing your dreams while you slumber in doubt. Now, let’s talk about what anchors us in this harbor of hesitation. It’s the trio of trepidation: uncertainty, the unknown, and their shadowy companion, fear. These specters haunt our steps, whispering tales of what might (or might not) be. But, here’s the twist in the tale: stepping into the unknown, that’s where the magic happens. It’s like diving into a river, not knowing how deep it is, but finding out you can swim – and oh, how you can swim! So, how do we leap into this river of action? It’s simple, yet as profound as the stars:

  1. Intention. Set your sails. Decide to respond with action rather than sitting with stagnation.
  2. Embrace the storm. Feel that fear, that uncertainty. It’s part of you, but it doesn’t define you. Can you hold it, understand it, love it?
  3. Ask your heart. What do you truly desire? Is this the song you want to sing, the story you want to tell?
  4. Take a step, however small. Remember, even the longest journey begins with a single step.
  5. Find the joy. How can this action be your festival, your fireworks, your flight?

The more we practice this art of action, the more adept we become. Action clears the cobwebs, opens the windows, lets the sunlight in.

vibrant bush in the valley

Thank you for coming again to glance at my words. let me tell you something. Yes, you! specifically you. You’re a one-of-a-kind addition to this world, and that’s something to be truly happy about. Make the most of the gifts that life has given you. When it comes down to it, everything we create or work upon, is really just a piece of ourselves. What you create is a reflection of who you are, shaped by your own experiences, where you’ve been. For better or worse, it’s up to you to make something beautiful out of your own little corner of the world. In this big, busy life, you’ve got your own special part to play.

There’s this moment in everyone’s life when something just clicks and being envious of others doesn’t help you grow and copying them is like losing a bit of yourself. You’ve got to embrace all of you, the ups and downs, and make the best of what you’ve got. Sure, the world is a treasure trove of wonders, but the real rewards come from tending to your own garden, your own dreams. The magic inside you is something fresh and unexplored, and you’ll only discover what you’re capable of when you start trying.

If you’re not the tallest pine on the hill, no worries at all. Be a vibrant little bush in the valley instead and be the best one there. Can’t be the biggest fish in the sea? Be a lively small one – the one that brings joy to the lake! Remember, not everyone’s the captain of the ship; being part of the crew is just as important. Everyone has their place and their own thing to do. Whether it’s a big task or a small one, what matters is taking on what’s right in front of you. Can’t be the main road? Be a cozy trail. If you’re not the sun, be a star that still shines bright. It’s not about the size of your role, but how much heart you put into it.

Scramble, Savor, Settle

Have you ever found yourself wandering in the thick of life’s forest, without a compass, feeling slightly adrift? It’s a common tale. We’re all out here, trying to piece together our next steps, feeling like the map is upside down. Yet, there’s a beauty in this disorientation, isn’t there? Look, the chase, the confusion, the perpetual game of life’s hide-and-seek—it’s not just a phase. It’s a fundamental part of the adventure. And here’s the twist: the very act of piecing it together, bit by bit, is what makes the journey so exhilarating.

Visualize this scenario. One serene morning, you’re going to stir from sleep, and the chaos of yesterday will seem like a distant dream. You’ll inhale the scent of fresh coffee brewing, a signal that your partner is already up, creating the rhythm of your new routine, and you’ll catch the sound of gentle rain against the window or perhaps the tranquil hush of a world just waking up. That’s when you’ll know you’ve arrived at a place of peace. That’s going to be your ‘I’ve made it’ moment.

You’ll be cozied up in the life you’ve built, each day predictable like the last. And it’s going to be glorious. But as you sip that morning coffee, you’ll find your mind wandering down memory lane, back to the days of thrilling uncertainties and wide-open horizons. Believe it or not, you’re going to miss this—the hustle, the missteps, the dizzying array of choices that lay before you now. It’s the mess of today that makes for the harmony of tomorrow. When you finally land in that comfy chair of contentment, remember to give a little nod to the chaotic sequences and situations that got you there. Because the part of you that’s yearning for order will, surprisingly, yearn just as much for the wild ride of yesterday.