
Sailing across the serene waters of Pwani, I vividly feel the rustic charm of the wooden boat beneath us, a shared moment of tranquility with Netta and Ehan. In this journey, as the oars slice through reflections, we’re reminded that life’s essence is found in these quiet connections, in the ebb and flow of the tides and time. | Principal photography and styling: Ajmal | theborderofamind studios

Thank you for coming back to read. Yes, I’m directly writing to you, yes, You! Let’s have a heart-to-heart for a moment, shall we? You know, life’s this wild, unpredictable journey, and I’ve been thinking a lot about it lately. They never really tell you that you won’t have all the answers, and honestly, that’s okay.

Remember how you were trying to make sense of everything that happened to you, those unexpected twists and turns? I’ve been there too. I used to think I needed to have my future all mapped out, but guess what? I realized that the beauty of life isn’t in having a flawless path. It’s in the stumbling, the learning, the growing.

You know what else struck my thought today? Learning to embrace the unknown. It’s like when you’re trying a new hobby for the first time – maybe it’s painting, or maybe it’s hiking through uncharted trails. There’s a thrill in not knowing exactly how it’ll turn out, right? And setting boundaries – that’s crucial. Just like when you decide how far you’ll hike or when to put down the paintbrush. It’s all about respecting your limits and your wellbeing.

And about letting go – it’s like tidying up your space, getting rid of the old stuff that no longer serves you. It’s not just about physical clutter, but emotional baggage too. Making room for new experiences, new joys. That’s the kind of forgiveness and release I’m talking about. It’s about making peace with the past and carving out space for the future.

So, here’s how both of us are going to do it: Start embracing the life you have, with all its imperfections. Find those small things that bring you joy, the people who light up your world, and the passions that ignite your spirit. Remember, it’s not about perfecting your journey; it’s about living it, one day at a time. Let’s do this together, shall we? 🌟

seeds of tomorrow

You know, life can sometimes feel like you’re a farmer standing in a field that just didn’t turn out the way you hoped. But here’s the thing – that’s not the end of the story. It’s just a part of it.

Think about it. Maybe you’ve had a project or a dream that didn’t pan out. It’s tough, right? But let’s not stop there. Just like a farmer, we’ve got to keep sowing. Every setback, every missed goal, it’s all just prep for the next big thing.

You might feel like giving up, and hey, that’s okay. We all get there sometimes. But remember, tucked away in these experiences are gems of wisdom, just waiting to be discovered. It’s like getting your hands dirty in the soil, finding those lessons that can help your next attempt bloom.

Picture an artist. Their first few paintings might not be perfect, but each stroke teaches them something new. Or an entrepreneur – their first business might flop, but they come out of it sharper, ready to take on the world.

Let’s not shy away from the challenges. Let’s face them, learn from them, and jump back in with all we’ve got. It’s in these moments that we grow, that we really find out what we’re made of.

And as you think about all this, why not pick something that didn’t quite work out before? Take a fresh look at it. What can you do differently this time? Jot down your thoughts, make a little plan. It doesn’t have to be perfect – just a start.

We’re in this together. Let’s not give up. Let’s adjust, try again, and keep going. Because, in the end, it’s all about sowing those seeds again, no matter how tough the last season was. Here’s to our next harvest – it’s going to be a great one.

perseverance poise

As the day whispers its final encores, the sun drapes its golden shawl upon the tranquil sea, and the horizon becomes a canvas where the sky’s emotions are painted in a symphony of light and shadow. The beach, strewn with the day’s memories, rests in serene contemplation, awaiting the night’s embrace. A vivid memory from an early morning at Zanzibar. Original photography: The Border of a Mind Studios

Imagine, if you will, a seed buried in the depths of the earth, unaware of the light above yet striving to break through the soil. Is it not true that its very existence hinges on the relentless push towards the unknown, towards the possibility of bloom?

Consider, for instance, the story of a wandering artist, tirelessly searching for the perfect landscape to capture on canvas. Each stroke of the brush is a testament to their unwavering belief in the unseen masterpiece. Similarly, a young scholar, burning the midnight oil, fueled by dreams of discoveries yet unmade, embodies the spirit of never yielding to the shadows of doubt.

What transpires when we abandon our quests? The artist’s brush dries, the scholar’s books gather dust. The world remains oblivious to the potential masterpieces and groundbreaking theories that lie dormant. It is in the relentless pursuit, the undying flame of effort, where magic resides.

True, serendipity may occasionally grace our paths, bestowing unearned victories. But can we truly rely on the fickle whims of fortune for our triumphs? No, it is in the forge of persistence, the crucible of continuous effort, where the true alchemy of success lies.

By persisting, we not only stumble upon hidden opportunities but also sculpt ourselves into beings capable of seizing them. We evolve, learning to recognize the once invisible doors of possibility. Our once untrained eyes now perceive the opportunities that have always been there, patiently waiting for our realization.

Even if the ultimate goal eludes our grasp, the journey itself is a mosaic of lessons learned, skills honed, and inspiration sparked. Each step is a victory in its own right, a ripple that may set into motion waves of change in ourselves and others.

There are, admittedly, dreams that transcend the bounds of possibility, like a mortal’s quest to reach the stars with bare feet. And indeed, life’s great events—love, loss, joy, sorrow—reshape our priorities, guiding us to new paths, new dreams to chase.

Reflect on your own abandoned dreams. Were they truly beyond your grasp, or did they simply lose their luster in the ever-changing landscape of your life? Before you deem them lost, question their place in your heart. Do they still resonate with your current self?

For those dreams that linger, consider what has changed. Do you possess new resources, new skills, new passions? What barriers did you face then, and how can you dismantle them now?

As you stand at the crossroads of reflection and action, ask yourself: what is it that halts your stride? Identify it, confront it, and then, with a heart fortified by renewed purpose, step forward into the realm of possibilities.

age’s quiet wisdom

In the soft light of dawn, as the world awakens from its slumber, so too does the human soul stir with a poignant realization. Each morning, as we confront the mirror, it reflects not just our physical form but a deeper, more profound truth. The act of cleansing our face, the routine of brushing our teeth, these are not mere habits; they are silent sermons on the fragility of our human existence.

Behold, the thin veil of skin that encases us, how delicate and vulnerable it is! This body of ours, a marvel of creation, is yet so susceptible to the wear and tear of time. Our need for sustenance, our battle against sleeplessness, hunger, and thirst – these are not mere physiological demands. They are, in essence, subtle reminders of our inherent weakness, signs from the Divine that our earthly existence is but temporary.

As we age, each wrinkle that etches itself onto our face is like a gentle whisper from the Almighty, reminding us of the fleeting nature of worldly life. The whitening of hair, the aging of hands – these are not mere signs of physical decline but are profound symbols of the inexorable passage of time, a time that draws us closer to our return from this temporal world.

But amidst this temporal decay, there lies an immutable truth – the soul does not age. While our bodies are bound to the relentless march of time, our souls remain untouched, timeless in their essence. The beauty and vigor of youth may fade, but the radiance of the soul only intensifies with the wisdom and experience that comes with age.

In this transient world, where outward appearances often hold sway, aging serves as a potent reminder of the impermanence of physical beauty. It invites us to look beyond the superficial, to recognize the enduring beauty of the soul that outlasts the decaying shell of the body.

Thus, as we greet each day, let us embrace our vulnerabilities, not as signs of weakness but as divine messages guiding us towards a deeper understanding of our true purpose. Let us cherish the aging process, not as a decline but as a journey towards spiritual maturity, a journey that brings us closer to the divine.

daybreak contemplation

Ehan’s inquisitive touch among the Tulsi leaves is a dialogue beyond words, a silent exploration of his wonders. Each leaf and stem, under the consideration of his tiny fingers, becomes an early chapter in his lifelong story of discovery.

In the quiet moments of dawn, as light gently nudges the darkness away, we find ourselves at the threshold of consciousness, awakening to a world both familiar and wondrous. This daily renaissance, where we emerge from the veil of sleep, is nothing short of a miracle, a testament to the endless possibilities that life holds.

As the first rays of the sun caress the world, we are reminded of the profound simplicity and beauty of existence. Each morning, as we regain consciousness, we are not merely waking up; we are reborn. The night, with its deep oblivion, is a subtle reminder of our fragility, yet each morning is a promise, a reaffirmation of life.

In these moments of awakening, our thoughts, unburdened by the trivialities of daily life, can soar. We are not just thinking about the mundanities like breakfast or the day’s schedule. Instead, our minds can wander and ponder over the more profound aspects of existence. The fact that we wake each morning, with our heart beating rhythmically, our lungs drawing breath, our eyes witnessing the world anew, is a marvel that defies comprehension.

This daily resurrection is a gift, a chance to start afresh, to rethink, to rediscover. It’s a moment to appreciate the miracles of our existence – the seamless functioning of our bodies, the absence of pain, the continued beating of our hearts. In these moments, we find ourselves in a state of gratitude, humbled by the mysteries of life and the blessings bestowed upon us.

The morning is not just a time but a state of mind, a canvas upon which we can paint our thoughts and aspirations. As we step into the day, let us carry this sense of wonder and gratitude. Let us recognize the beauty in the ordinary, the extraordinary in the mundane. For in each morning, in every awakening, lies the potential for transformation, for growth, for a deeper understanding of the mysteries that surround us.

shine your light

Embrace being the person who genuinely cares. Step up, be the one who’s always ready to put in the hard yards, the one who isn’t afraid to love passionately and unreservedly. Allow yourself to be the person who wears their heart on their sleeve, who never runs from the depth of their emotions or the fervor of their hopes.

Stand as the person who has faith in the world’s tender side, in the gentle whispers of humanity that sometimes get drowned out in the noise. Be the beacon, the one who lights the way, who perseveres even when the going gets tough.

Be that person who makes others feel visible, the person who’s always present when needed. Take it from me, embody the persona of the one who truly cares. Because our world is starved of genuine concern, it’s tired of disinterest and indifference; and believe me, there’s nothing more formidable than someone who remains compassionate and soft-hearted in a world that hasn’t always reciprocated kindness.

In a world that often seems callous, be the exception. Be the person who cares and watch how you light up the world around you.

mortal mettle

Like a shipwrecked vessel adrift at sea, our earthly lives are but a fleeting voyage. As transient travelers treading the sands of time, we journey together under endless skies, our footprints traced temporarily along the shores of eternity. Though our mortal shells erode, our spirits sail on. (Photographed and styled by The Border of a Mind Studios from a beach in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates)

We all try to avoid thinking about it, but death comes for us all eventually. Though it makes us uncomfortable, reflecting on our mortality can inspire us to live more purposefully. When the clock of life stops ticking, fret not about the lifeless body you leave behind. Your loved ones will take good care of it—they’ll dress you up nicely in a white shroud before sending you off on your final journey.

Many will come to see you off – some taking time off work, others rearranging plans. They’ll stand around chatting like at a high school reunion before you set off on your last journey.

Your possessions – that Ukulele lying around you never learned to play, the fancy plates at home you never used, the clothes that hung unworn in your closet – they’ll all be passed on, sold off, or tossed out quicker than last night’s leftovers. The details of your material life will go on without you.

At the office, they’ll have your replacement before your obituary hits the papers. Your workload will be passed on seamlessly like a baton in a relay race.

Your finances and assets will go to your next of kin. Don’t be surprised if you continue to be analyzed and criticized even in death – people always have opinions, after all.

True friends will mourn you for a time, shedding tears over memories you made together. But the river of life keeps flowing, and they’ll soon be back to their routines. As for fairweather friends, they’ll forget you faster than a fleeting TikTok trend.

Your pets might tilt their heads confused, wondering where you went, but they’ll bond with their new owners soon enough. Loyalty has its limits.

Your smiling face in those photos on the mantle will gather dust, gradually relegated to boxes in the attic to fade from memory.

Your home will echo with emptiness for a while, but will soon be filled with the noise of someone else living your life.

In time, the pain will subside, the calls will taper off, and you’ll become just another name etched into stone, a distant memory.

For you, though, the real adventure is just beginning. A new phase of existence where worldly possessions and status symbols are meaningless. Where you take only what you gave – your compassion, wisdom, and light.

While you glance at these writings, let us remind each other to live and love fully now. Build spiritual wealth by touching lives. That’s the only currency that lasts. Make your mark on this world, because your chance is finite. But your soul is infinite.

human glow

Grains of wonder, speckled remnants of discoveries made along the shoreline. Tiny treasures cling to Ehan’s small toes, each step a keepsake of joyful play by the sea.

You know those little unfiltered moments that feel so human and real? I’m obsessed. The messy morning hair, the big yawns when you first wake up, the way your shirt rides up when you stretch. How the wind playfully tussles your locks when you’re outside. The kind of full-bellied laugh that makes your eyes water. Sleepy, dreamy eyes that say you stayed up too late talking. The butterflies in your stomach when you have a crush. An innocent smile that keeps growing into laughter until you’re crying happy tears. Bumping shoulders with someone as you walk side-by-side unable to contain your excitement. Blushing and stumbling over your words when you get all giddy. Those rare times when we can just be our true, unguarded selves, without pretense or self-consciousness. Just pure, raw, natural human moments. We don’t appreciate these fleeting instants enough. It’s the unfiltered realness of people that makes me fall in love with humanity.

the trek within

In the darkest valley, when all seems lost and failure looms, success flickers in the act of rising once again. In waking at despair’s midnight, abandoned and impoverished, and finding the will to face the coming dawn. Every new day survived is a small success. Original photograph by Nasna Nassir. Styled by Ajmal,

The road to success is not a straightforward highway to a glittering destination, but rather a winding footpath through darkened woods, lit only by the inner sparks of courage. No wise guide sets the course, each must follow their own inner compass.

For one lost in a fog of a drinking addiction, success may be a week freed from drink, a first glimpse of sunlight. For another trapped in creative drought, success could be three pages written after months adrift in a sea of blank pages. To someone recovering from illness, success may be simply taking six steps unaided, after legs long robbed of their strength. Success is not crossing the finish line but taking the next step, however faltering, on the onward trail.

Success isn’t about the sparkling Ferrari in your driveway, or the penthouse with a view. It’s not about the designer shoes that line your closet or the VIP contacts in your shiny new maxed out phone. It’s not about the Instagram-worthy photos of your family vacation in Bora Bora or the sprawling vacation home in Cape Cod. True success dazzles not in manifestations of wealth that fade like stars at dawn, but rather glitters in small precious gems of everyday life. In a child’s smile, a lover’s kiss, the quiet satisfaction of work done well. It blooms when one tends the garden of their character, watering discipline and nourishing perseverance. Success is about finding the strength to rise, like a phoenix from the ashes, when you’ve hit rock bottom. It’s about staring into the abyss, when everything feels like a dead end, and choosing to take that first step back towards the light. You see, success is not about the glitz and glamour. It’s about resilience, perseverance, and the audacity to keep on keeping on, even when everything feels lost.

In the darkest valley, when all seems lost and failure looms, success flickers in the act of rising once again. In waking at despair’s midnight, abandoned and impoverished, and finding the will to face the coming dawn. Every new day survived is a small success. Each breath, each tiny act of courage to march onward – that is the true measure. For when all is shadows, the next step is everything. Success isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. It’s not about reaching the top of the mountain, but the climb itself. It’s about the grit, the sweat, the tears, and the laughter along the way. It’s about standing tall, dusting yourself off, and being able to say, “I’m still here. I’m still fighting.” Now, isn’t that something?

sunset strolls

The amber glow of the setting sun stretches across the sky as my son and I step out onto the corridors. His tiny hand slips into mine, those perfect little fingers curling trustingly around my own. With our first steps, I feel the brush of his tiny fingernails against my skin. How many small discoveries has he made just today, hand-in-hand with his dad? For him, the world is an endless horizon of wonder yet to be explored.

I’m reminded of a treasured childhood memory that my own father recently shared with me. He described how he used to walk with his father, my grandfather, when he was just a young boy. Together they would set out on adventures, my father’s tiny hand clutching my grandfather’s weathered fingers. As they walked, my father would run his small fingers over my grandfather’s nails, tracing the contours and creases earned through years of hard work. For my father, those nails represented security and guidance. My grandfather’s hand was his anchor as he took his first steps into the vast world unfolding before him.

Decades later, as my grandfather took his final breaths, my father narrates that was overcome with the urge to once again feel those familiar fingernails. He reached for my grandfather’s hand and cradled it tenderly in his own. In that instant, he was transported back to his childhood when the world brimmed with promise and potential. Though it pained him beyond words to lose his father, my grandfather’s wisdom and empathy would persist through his son and future generations.

As I watch my young son experience each new sunset as a marvel, I’m filled with immense gratitude. One day, if I’m fortunate, he may walk with his own child in this same way, their tiny hand discovering the world while anchored securely in his. And one day, though my son will never meet him, a faint glimmer of my grandfather’s spark will glow within that child, lighting their way through new horizons, God willing.

For now, I give my son’s hand a gentle, knowing squeeze as the sun dips below the skyline. In his eyes, I see his grandfather’s spirit, that untarnished sense of awe and wonder. And in my heart, I offer up a quiet thank you – both for this present moment, and for all the future sunsets we have yet to witness together, again by the will of God. Each moment has a story and a memory to kindle. Never let a day pass without being in awe and grateful for whatever you’ve experienced on that day.