
“Persistence” – Original Fine Art from The Border Of a Mind Studios

Failure is only a temporary setback on the road to success, as long as you have the courage and ambition to keep trying. Persistence is the key to victory.

We have all experienced failure at some point in our lives. Maybe we didn’t get the job we wanted, or we didn’t get accepted into our dream school. Maybe we failed a test or a project at work didn’t turn out the way we wanted. Whatever the situation, it’s easy to feel discouraged and want to give up.

But here’s the thing: failure is not the end. It’s simply a temporary setback on the road to success. As long as you have the courage and ambition to keep pushing forward, you can turn that failure into a success.

One of the keys to turning failure into success is persistence. It’s easy to get discouraged and give up when things don’t go your way. But if you keep pushing, if you keep trying, you will eventually achieve your goals. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory.

So if you’re feeling down about a recent failure, don’t give up. Remember that failure is only a temporary setback, and with courage and persistence, you can turn it into a victory. Keep pushing forward, and don’t let anything stand in your way.

personal vision

Personal Vision

Let me start by saying that this is not another “discover your passion” cliché post telling you to quit your work and pursue something different. This is a gentle breeze of thoughts on you and me to find time to facilitate and develop a personal vision. This piece of writing will not criticize you for your decisions or blame you for your current predicament. There are many aspects of our fleeting existence over which we have no control. In reality, we are helpless actors in a pre-written screenplay. Aren’t we ? Let’s delve into a much more deeper contemplation.

What would you do if you could do anything regardless of money?
What is it about which you are genuinely passionate about?
Think about it for a minute, I’ll wait : )

Don’t go to the next tab or keep scrolling. Before we go any farther, let’s think about it and come up with some quick answers because you most probably won’t spend any other time than instances like this to do it.

Not everyone is fortunate to do what they love for work, but let’s just think about it for a while. You could be working a bustling job right now, and you’re presumably in a haste to get everything accomplished for today. But, as not many people may ask you this now, what was your childhood dream job? While it may seem weird to return to your childhood aspirations, they may not be far from what you would be delighted doing. Sure, not everyone can become an astronaut, but the desire to pursue that vocation comes from somewhere. Consider your ideal work. Even if you no longer want it, the former ambition may assist you discover out what inspires you.

We need to find time to have a personal vision about our life. In many aspects, it is similar to a compass that shows direction. It helps you make vital judgments. Once developed, our outlined personal vision might help us discover our genuine interests. Most of the time, we are rushed and do not take the time to describe our personal vision. Our personal values are what we hold close for steering how we work and live. Our values shape our own priorities and goals. And they often serve as a barometer of whether or not our lives and careers are unfolding as we would want. Curating this particular vision is akin to finding who we really are – our genuine or full selves. Personal vision is the intersection of our values, beliefs, and feeling of purpose. We’ll be that much closer to living a fulfilling life driven by our interests once we become conscious of this vision, which will of course be different for you and me. Occasionally, mindfulness and goal writing assist me in refining and curating the vision. The bottom line is that understanding how to identify your passion and living a fulfilled life all boil down to knowing and doing what you really like. There’s a lot to be said about putting in the time and effort to figure out what your strengths are — and then venturing outside of your comfort zone to put your newfound knowledge to use.

Our lives are limited, and having a personal vision may help us find fulfillment and contentment in many aspects of our lives. God bless your pals.

The border of a mind initiative do have a vision : )

What makes you happy? Not joking, seriously asking.
What is it you smiling face reading this ? : )

What are your values?

What elements of your life do you want people to remember once you‘re gone?

What do you hope for this world?

What can you contribute?

What distinguishes you? (Everyone is unique, which makes them remarkable.)
Or better, what do you think distinguishes you. Yes, you!

What aspects of your life do you need to develop?

home within you

We may assume that living life to the fullest entails seeing every place on the planet, leaving our jobs on the spur of the moment, and falling madly in love, but it’s really just realizing how to be where your feet are. It’s learning to look for oneself, to build a home inside your own skin, to look within us. It is learning to live a basic life that we are proud of. A fully lived existence is made up of things that progressively tell us that it’s good to slow down rather than things that jolt us awake. That we do not always need to prove ourselves. That we don’t have to battle forever or always seek more. That it’s OK for things to be the way they are. We will gradually realize that life can only manifest outward in proportion to how steady it is in the inner realms of our mind.If the pleasure is not found in the tiny things first, the large things will not completely find us. God bless.

Home Within You – Original Fine Art from The Border of a Mind Studios

relishing this second.

While you glance at these lines at this very second, look at your life for one second and see how sophesticated and magical it is. Stop hunting for the next hidden door that will bring you to your true life. This very second is the representation of your life. It’s all condensed in this one second. No, it’s not in your plans for tonight or your long term plan for the next decade. No, it was not in the last year or any experience you had yesterday evening or even let’s say, not in any experiences from your childhood memories. When you glance at your old photographs and memories, that’s not it. Even if it is all of those things. And add to it all of your future expectations. Put in your plans, investments, objectives, and desires. But what you really have is this very second you are experiencing. It doesn’t change if you’re reading this on a flight in Denmark or if you’re sipping a tea in a small village, or concluding the next assignment at your desk, or reading this on your phone now, always remember that you’re experiencing life through this very second. And it’s all what you have. Let’s fill it with gratefulness & a mindset to enable us to live in the moment, truly experiencing it. All the noise and hustle and bustle around it is not worth your time.

Relishing this second | Original Fine art from The Border Of a Mind.

art | Maker

The beauty of a skillfully crafted product reflects the beauty of the craftsmanship. The beauty of the craftsmanship alludes to the beauty of the name, which was the root of the craftsmanship. The beauty of the name of the craftsman’s art speaks to the beauty of the craftsman’s traits reflected in that art. The beauty of man’s being, fashioned as he is in the loveliest of forms, indicates the existence of the Maker, while the reality that, along with his extensive powers, entrenched in that finest of forms, he soon declines and dies, demonstrates the existence of the resurrection. As you read these lines on the blog, pause for a moment, and ponder on the transitory nature of our existence. Are we truly racing after things that matter when we know that life’s too short? As I read somewhere, the most effective approach to recalibrate perspective is  to conceive of today as your last day and look at the world from a wider  perspective. Be a bird.

art and the Maker | Original fine art from The Border Of a Mind

triumphing defeat

There isn’t one of us who hasn’t accepted defeat in some capacity. It might be conceived on several levels. What matters is how we perceive and channel adversity. Defeat is just education, the first step toward something greater. Losing is not the worst failure; failing to try is the actual failure. He who is willing to die for a cause is seldom vanquished. He who is used to loss but perseveres will eventually triumph. He who gets used to success and grows apathetic & unethusiastic will eventually fail. Defeat is a school where truth always gets stronger.


Life is very brief than we think. Living our best life does not simply imply traveling and acquiring expensive goods. It also means living up to our potential, which means doing the things we want to do someday now rather than putting them off for later, taking chances, taking risks, appreciating what we have, surrounding ourself with people who bring out the best in us, discovering new things about ourself, and doing what makes us happy every single day. Living our greatest life is subjective; we all have various definitions, but ultimately, it is about attaining new levels of self-growth and falling in love with life in full awareness that the life is transitory in nature and we won’t be here for long. How do you want to be remembered?

the fleeting dream

The Fleeting Dream : Original fne art from The Border Of a Mind

For a moment, assume you’re relaxing on the banks of a river on a beautiful spring day. Consider how a gentle wind cools and refreshes the air. Can you hear the gushing water? Can you notice the beautiful blossoms, each more beautiful than the last? Image yourself chatting to a beloved friend while admiring these beauty; imagine yourself inhaling the fresh perfume of the flowers in the air and listening to the pleasant singing of the birds. Imagine you are enjoying all of these feelings when you wake up and find yourself in bed (!). In such a circumstance, you would understand that all you thought was true was, in reality, a dream: a fabrication of your mind that abruptly evaded.
Let us now envision the identical circumstance after you have woken up. Assume you’re chatting to a close friend while taking in the views and sounds of a beautiful river.If you were asked, “which of the two would you prefer?” after having experienced both, you would of course say, “the one after I woke up.” The reason for this is that what happens in our dreams stays in our dreams and does not assist a person in real life. Nobody can really be sad for what he or she has lost in a dream since they know it has no bearing on actual life. No matter how much delight a person receives in a dream, it will never be as pleasurable as when he or she is awake and in the real world. Now, let’s question this “reality”.

In the same manner, this world’s existence is a dream, exceedingly brief and transient in comparison to an afterlife. What makes us so sure that we are currently not in a dream ? When you’re in a dream, you don’t realize that it’s a dream. The life of this world, which seems so real today, will soon come to an end, and your actual, everlasting existence will begin, similar to returning from the realm of the imagination to the real world upon waking from a dream. After our deaths, our “souls” would wake up from this “dream’ of “life”. This is an ultimate truth of this finite life of ours and it is truly magical.

The world is inside you.

Some of the other chapters from the Ponder Series that you can read on :

Perceiving Time
> Is it a dream ?
Ornate Blossoms
Visual Narrative – Ponder Series
Reflecting on Shadows
Stumble over Pebbles
Ethereal Quality | Petals
Golden Ratio
Vision – Pondering on the intricacies
Ruminating on Bird Nests
Living Embellishments
Pondering on Birds 

softer embrace

I hope for those associated with me on any level to live their lives to the fullest, and finest of their abilities. The best pathway in my policy to faciliate it is to never meddle, interfere, dictate, provide unwanted counsel, or help when my skills are not required. If I can assist others, I’ll let them help themselves; and if I can raise or inspire them, I’ll do it by example, gentle inference, and subtle suggestions rather than edict, intrusion into personal spaces and dictation. That is my modest and humble personal philosophy and approach to embarcing life. I want to endeavor to make others feel themselves better & deeper within than they did before they became acquainted with me, both personally and professionally. Much of what you read here would have a lot to do with rediscovering yourself.

“Softer Embrace” – Original fine art from The Border Of a Mind Visual Studios